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  • TRIPS协议与公共健康议题谈判的成果与展望—评《多哈宣言第六段的执行决议》(下)

    [ 严海 ]——(2006-10-3) / 已阅88378次

    135. 《执行决议》有三个段落与之相关,第2段、第4段、第5段。第4段内容为:“为了确保根据本《决议》中确立的制度进口的产品用于公共健康目的,“符合条件的进口成员方”应在力所能及的范围内采取所有合理措施防止实际已根据此制度进口其境内的产品再出口到它处。如果“符合条件的进口成员方”是难以执行本条款的发展中国家或最不发达国家成员方,发达国家成员方必须应请求或根据共同达成的条款和条件提供技术和金融协作,促进其执行本条款。”;第5段内容为:“各成员方应确保TRIPS协议所要求的有效法律手段的可获取性,以期防止在此制度下生产的产品进口并在其境内销售, 如有任何成员方认为,为此目的所采取的措施不够充分,可提出请求,TRIPS理事会将对此进行审议。”
    136. 《执行决议》第11段为:“对所有成员方而言,本决议,包括其中授予的“放弃权”将于对TRIPS协议作出的修改替代现有的对该成员方生效的条款之日起终止。TRIPS理事会将于2003年底启动修改TRIPS协议的准备工作并希望在6个月内予以通过,该修改在适当之处将以本《决议》为基础,而且不作为《多哈部长宣言》(WT/MIN(01)/DEC/1)第45段中提到的谈判的一部分。”
    137. Shapi Shacinda, WTO Rules Mean Life, Death to Africa, Houston Chron., Sept. 7, 2003, at 5, available at 2003 WL 57440840.
    138. The General Council Chairperson’s Statement, available at http://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news03_e/trips_stat_28aug03_e.htm (last visited Dec 10, 2005) 。
    139. 参见前引132,Medecins Sans Frontieres文。
    140. The General Council Chairperson's Statement, WTO 2003 News Items, Aug. 30, 2003, at http://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news03_e/trips_stat_28aug03_e.htm (last visited Jan. 5, 2006); see also WTO NEWS 2003 Press Releases, Decision Removes Final Patent Obstacle to Cheap Drug Imports (Aug. 30, 2003), at http://www.wto.org/english/news_e/pres03_3/pr350_e.htm (last visited Jan. 5, 2006). The Chairperson's Statement focused on the issue of diversion of drugs from their target market, a concern of pharmaceutical companies. See Chairperson's Statement.
    141. See Star Ledger, Put Fighting Disease First, Sept. 10, 2003, at 14, available at 2003 WL 18727632.
    142. Frederick M. Abbott, The WTO Medicines Decision: World Pharmaceutical Trade and the Protection of Public Health, 99 A.J.I.L. 317, 358 (2005).
    143. Pavento et al., International Patent Protection for HIV-Related Therapies: Patent Attorneys' Perspective, 17 EMORY INT'L L. REV. 919, 923 (2003).
    144. Divya Murthy, The Future of Compulsory Licensing: Deciphering the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, 17 Am. U. INT'L L. REV. 1299, 1324, 1329-32 (2002).
    145. 印度利用了TRIPS协议第65条第4款的过渡期条款,该条款允许发展中国家将给与药品专利的时间推迟到2005年的1月1日。
    146. See Carsten Fink, Patent Protection, Transnational Corporations, and Market Structure: A Simulation Study of the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry, 1 J. Industry, Competition & Trade 101, 106 (2001).
    147. See D. G. Shah, The New Indian Patent Law and August 30 Decision: The Response of the Generic Industry, presentation to WHO-CIPIH Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Public Health, Geneva (Mar. 1, 2005).
    148. 参见邓常春《近五年来印度〈专利法〉的修改对其制药业的影响》,载《南亚研究季刊》,2005年第2期,第32页以下。
    149. 参见印度1970年专利法(1999年修订),第三部分,(d), (e); 印度2004年《专利(修订)条例》第三段。
    150. An Act to Amend the Patent Act and the Food and Drug Act, Bill C-56, 51-52 Elizabeth II (200202003), available at http://www.parl.gc.ca/37/2/parlbus/chambus/house/bills/government/c-56/c-56_1/90247bE.html. (Last Visited on Nov. 8, 2005).
    151. Patent Act, R.S.C. 1985, ch. P-4.
    152. Food & Drugs Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. F-27.
    153. 前引150,Patent Act, 21.04(1).
    154. 前引150,Patent Act, 21.04(1).
    155. 前引150,Patent Act, 21.08.
    156. 前引150,Patent Act, 21.17(1).
    157. 前引150,Patent Act, 21.17(5).
    158. 关于加拿大立法的详细情况,可以参考Mark D. Penner, Prakash Narayanan, Amendments to the Canadian Patent Act to Address Drug Access: Is Help on the Way? 60 Food Drug L.J. 459 (2005).
    159. See Consultation—Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health (Excerpts), at http://www.dep.no/ud/engelsk/p2500832/p30003923/032121-290003/index-dokOOO-b-n-a.html (last visited Aug. 8, 2005).
    160. See TRIPS Council Shows Little Progress on Health and Biodiversity, Bridges Wkly Trade News Dig., Nov. 26, 2003, at http://www.ictsd.org/weekly/03-11-26/story4.htm (Last Visited on Nov. 8, 2005).
    161. See France to Apply WTO Generic Drug Pact by 2005 (Nov. 22, 2004), at http://www.expatica.com/source/site_article.asp?subchannel_id=58&story_id=14233&name=France+to+apply+WTO+generic+drug+pact+by+2005 (last visited Aug. 9, 2005).
    162. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Paliment and of the Council on Compulsory Licensing of Patents Relating to the Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products for Export to Countries with Public Health Problems (Oct. 29, 2004), at http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market/en/indprop/patent/medicines_en.pdf (last visited Aug. 8, 2005).
    163. 前引142,Pavento et al.文,第921页。
    164. Amir Attaran, Assessing and Answering Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the Trips Agreement and Public Health: the Case for Greater Flexibility and a Non-Justiciability Solution, 17 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 743, 755(2003).
    165. WTO Votes to Bypass Patents on Medicines; Cheap Generics go to Poor Nations, WASH. POST, Aug. 31, 2003, at A16.
    166. 前引4,《执行决议》第3段。
    167. See generally Additional Developments -- Foreign and International Law, 17 Berkley Tech. L.J. 613 (2002). See also Susan Finston, India: A Cautionary Tale on the Critical Importance of Intellectual Property Protection, 12 Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. L. J. 887, 891, 895 (2002).
    168. Stephanie A. Barbosa, Implementation of the Doha Declaration: Its Impact on American Pharmaceuticals,36 Rutgers L. J. 205, 249 (2004).
    169. TRIPS and Public Health: Dedicated Webpage for Notifications (WTO, Geneva, Switzerland), at http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/trips_e/public_health_e.htm (last visited Jan. 5, 2005).
    170. Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss, TRIPS-Round II: Should Users Strike Back? 71 U. Chi. L. Rev. 21, 21(2004).
    171. 曲三强著:《被动立法的百年轮回——谈中国知识产权保护的发展历程》,《中外法学》1999年第2期,第40页。
    172. 崔国斌著:《基因技术的专利保护与利益分享》,选自郑成思主编《知识产权文丛》第三卷,中国政法大学出版社2000年版,第257 页。
    173. [美]约翰?罗尔斯著,何怀宏等译:《正义论》,中国社会科学出版社,1988年版。
    174. [美]E?博登海默著,邓正来译:《法理学:法律哲学与法律方法》,中国政法大学出版社,1999年版,第318页。
    175. [美]奥德利?理查普曼著:《将知识产权视为人权:与第15条第1款第3项有关的义务》,《版权公报》,2001年第3期,第35页。
    176. 高胜著:《正义是社会制度的首要价值——从“关于TRIPS协议和关于公共健康问题的宣言”谈起》,《中国对外贸易》,2002年4月,第18页。
    177. 吴汉东著:《知识产权的私权和人权属性——以知识产权协定和世界人权公约为对象》,《法学研究》,2003年第3期,第73页。
    178. 参见王冠玺,李筱苹:《知识产权法律与基本权冲突的法理研究》,载《知识产权》2005年第4期,第9页以下。
    179. 前引131文件。
    180. See WT/MIN(05)/DEC Ministerial Declaration, Doha work programme, Adopted on 18 December 2005, para. 39, at http://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/minist_e/min05_e/final_text_e.htm#public_health (last visited May 1, 2005)
    181. See TRIPS Council Shows Little Progress on Health and Biodiversity, Bridges Wkly Trade News Dig., Nov. 26, 2003, at http://www.ictsd.org/weekly/03-11-26/story4.htm (last visited Aug. 8, 2005).
    182. 参见荣民,郭辉:《WTO多哈发展回合关于TRIPS协定的谈判和中国的参与》,载《世界贸易组织动态与研究》2005年第11期,第3页。
    183. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Paliment and of the Council on Compulsory Licensing of Patents Relating to the Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products for Export to Countries with Public Health Problems (Oct. 29, 2004), at http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/internal_market/en/indprop/patent/medicines_en.pdf (last visited Aug. 8, 2005).
    184. 印度强制许可的补偿费一般限于该专利产品净销售收入的4%,高者为8%;菲律宾则规定强制许可的补偿费最高不超过专利产品销售收入的5%. C M Correa, Intellectual Property Rights and the Use of Compulsory Licenses: Opinions for Developing Countries (1999), n 174,175 at http://www.southcentre.org/publications/publihealth/publichealth-12htm#p1627 174483, (last visited Aug. 8, 2005).

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