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  • BOT与BT:天使还是怪兽?

    [ 黎广军 ]——(2006-8-31) / 已阅72602次

    9 总结


    ① 见中国金融网专题栏目:http://www.zgjrw.com/zhuanti/pagemain/2005102805.htm
    ② 国际电联《1996/1997国际电信发展报告》(中译本) 见: http://www.cnii.com.cn/20021111/ca107151.htm
    ③ 1994年菲律宾BOT法第1条[c]款原文: Build-and-transfer. - A contractual arrangement whereby the project proponent undertakes the financing and construction of a given infrastructure or development facility and after its completion turns it over to the government agency or local government unit concerned, which shall pay the proponent on an agreed schedule its total investments expended on the project, plus a reasonable rate of return thereon. This arrangement may be employed in the construction of any infrastructure or development project, including critical facilities which, for security or strategic reasons, must be operated directly by the Government. 1990年菲律宾BOT法第1条(b)款原文: Build-and-transfer scheme. - A contractual arrangement whereby the contractor undertakes the construction including financing, of a given infrastructure facility, and its turnover after completion to the government agency or local government unit concerned which shall pay the contractor its total investment expended on the project, plus a reasonable rate of return thereon. This arrangement may be employed in the construction of any infrastructure project including critical facilities, which, for security or strategic reasons, must be operated directly by the Government.
    ④ 2000年《越南外国投资法》(英文版) 第1章第2条第13款: a Build-transfer contract means a written document signed by an authorized state body of Vietnam and a foreign investor(s) for the construction of an infrastructure facility; upon completion of construction, the foreign investor shall transfer the facility to the state of Vietnam and the Government of Vietnam shall create conditions for the foreign investor to implement other investment projects in order to recover the invested capital and gain reasonable profits. 1996年《越南外国投资法》(李碧华译)见《东南亚纵横》1997年01期,阅读地址: http://eu.ynst.net.cn/portal/read.jsp?infoPickId=186717831158997.
    ⑤ 1999年修订的越南BOT合同规章(英文版)见: http://www.vinhphuctrade.gov.vn/lawcontent_en.asp?id=104
    ⑥ 1998年修订的越南《促进国内投资法》(英文版) 第1章第2条第5款原文:Build -Transfer (BT) Contract means a written document entered into between an authorized State body and an investor for the purpose of construction of an infrastructure project; upon the completion of construction, the investor shall transfer the project to the State. The authorized State body shall enter into a contract which creates conditions for the investor to implement another project to recover the invested capital and earn profits. 译文:建设-转让(BT)合同是指获得授权的国家机关与投资者之间为建设基础设施项目之目的而签署的书面文件;建设完成后,投资者将该项目转让给当局。该获得授权的国家机关应签署一份合同创造条件给该投资者去实施另外一个项目以收回投资和获得利润。
    ⑦ 台湾地区BOT手册与案例库下载地址: http://pccweb.seed.net.tw/new/bot_manual.html .

    [1] 纳斯巴·欧斯夫尔著, 乜付亮译. BOT体系 [EB/OL]. http://colaw.cn/wenku/bot/system.htm.
    [2] 苏文曼. 赴韩专题研究:污水下水道BOT机制之研究 [R].台北:行政院经济建设委员会, 2005.
    [3] 联合国亚太经社会(ESCAP). Review of Developments in Transport in Asia and the Pacific[R]. Bangkok: ESCAP, 2005.
    [4] 燕志华. 南京地铁二号线后续工程弃用BT模式[N]. 新华日报, 2006-03-15.
    [5] 联合国国际贸易法委员会(UNCITRAL).私人融资基础设施项目法律指南[M].维也纳: UNCITRAL, 2001.
    [6] 联合国国际贸易法委员会(UNCITRAL).私人融资基础设施项目示范立法条款[M].维也纳: UNCITRAL, 2004.

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