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  • 二十一世纪的美国行政法

    [ 黄忠 译 ]——(2005-11-3) / 已阅45037次

    [71] GATT Panel Report on the United States-Restrictions on Imports of Tuna, GATT Doc. DS21/R (1991年9月3日), 可查阅1991 WL 771248。
    [72] 见 Ralph Nader, Introduction to Lori Wallach & Michelle Sforza, The WTO: Five Years of Reasons to Resist Corporate Globalization 6, 6. (1999)(坚持认为世界贸易组织和北美自由贸易区代表着一个旨在增加企业利润却不负说明责任的跨国管理组织)。
    [73] 同上. at 10。
    [74] 有关行政法概念在全球背景下的重构,即强调公开透明和公法价值扩张的论述,可参考Aman,同前注[60]。
    [75] 一般可以参考Daniel D. Bradlow, International Organizations and Private Complaints: The Case of the World Bank Inspection Panel, 34 Va. J. Int’l L. 553, 555 (1994) (“银行监察小组的创设扩大了国际行政管理法的范围,从而使之有权对国际组织之间和私人之间有关国际组织是否要依从其自身的内部操作规则和程序的争议作出裁决”)。
    [76] 一般可参见Gillian Dale, NAFTA: Commission for Environmental Cooperation, 1996 Colo. J. Int’l Envtl. L. & Pol’y 26(探讨了环境合作委员会的组织结构和工作程序);Sarah Richardson, Sovereignty, Trade, and the Environment-The North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation, 24 Can.-U.S.L.J. 183 (1998)(分析了环境合作委员会对说明责任、公开透明和各成员国合意之达成的影响);Stefan R, Miller, Comment, NAFTA: A Model for Reconciling the Conflict Between Free Trade and International Environmental Protection, 56 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 483, 509-22 (1994)(概述了北美自由贸易区环境保护规定)。
    [77] 一般可参见EU Committees: Social Regulation, Law and Politics (Christian Joerges与Ellen Vos主编,1999年出版)(对欧盟委员会制度作了简要介绍);Michelle Egan & Dieter Wolf, Regulation and Comitology: The EC Committee System in Regulatory Perspective, 4 Colum. J. Eur. L 499 (1998)(概述了欧盟行政管理体制中的执委会程序的作用)。
    [78] 有关在营养药典会议中非政府组织监察员权利的讨论,可以参阅:Robert F. Housman, Democratizing International Trade Decision-Making, 27 Cornell Int’l L.J. 699, 718-20 (1994); Lori M, Wallach, Accountable Governance in the Era of Globalization: The WTO, NAFTA, and International Harmonization of Standards, 50 U. Kan. L. Rev. 823, 836-38 (2002); Lewis Rosman, Note, Public Participation in International Pesticide Regulation: When the Codex Commission Decides, Who Will Listen?, 12 Va. Envtl. L.J. 329 (1993).有关非政府组织监察员及其在其它国际协议和组织中的参加权的讨论,可以参阅:Kathleen Rogers & James A. Moore, Revitalizing the Convention on Nature Protection and Wild Life Preservation in the Western Hemisphere: Might Awakening a Visionary but “Sleeping” Treaty Be the Key to Preserving Biodiversity and Threatened Natural Areas in the Americas?, 36 Harv. Int’I L.J. 465, 502-05 (1995)(描述了非政府组织在国际环保法中日益重要的作用);Kal Raustiala, Note, The “Participatory Revolution” in International Environmental Law, 21 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 537, 547-48 (1997)(讨论了非政府组织在濒临灭绝物种的国际贸易大会中的广泛参与);类似的讨论还可参见:Daniel Vice, Note, Implementation of Biodiversity Treaties: Monitoring, Fact-Finding, and Dispute Resolution, 29 N.Y.U.J.Int’l L. & Pol. 577, 616-19 (1997)。
    [79] Alfred C. Aman Jr., Privatization and the Democracy Problem in Globalization: Making Markets More Accountable Through Administrative Law, 28 Fordham Urb. L.J.1477, 1479, 1505-06 (2001) (认为通过国内市场与全球利益网络的联系可以抵消全球民主缺失)。

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    E 行政法

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