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  • 新法规速递

  • 法律行为方式法律适用原则的新发展及思考

    [ 邓杰 ]——(2008-8-12) / 已阅21213次

    Biography: DENG Jie(1972-), female, Doctor, Associate professor, Huaqiao University law school, majoring in private international law.
    Abstract: When determining the applicable law for the form of legal act, more and more countries have abolished the traditional principles of application of law which are too dull and hard, but establish a set of new principles or rules which are more flexible and reasonable. The above new trend is mainly based on the following factors: theoretical foundation, practical needs, and technology support. It is undoubtedly helpful for us to grasp the general developing rule of private international law and also on the basis of which to further the development of the corresponding theory, legislation and practice that we should make a objective, reasonable and deep analysis and consideration.
    Key Words: the form of legal act; the application of law; new development;consideration.

    总共2页  [1] 2






    A 法学理论

    C 国家法、宪法

    E 行政法

    F 刑法

    H 民法

    I 商法

    J 经济法

    N 诉讼法

    S 司法制度

    T 国际法

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