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  • 论承认和执行外国判决中公共秩序的运用

    [ 严海 ]——(2005-9-7) / 已阅27867次

    〔4〕虽然在大陆法系中,公共秩序(public order)一词较英美法的公共政策(public policy)广泛,还包括强行法的要求,但在一般的实践当中,两个词语是互换使用的,在拒绝承认和执行外国判决中,其含义是一致的。
    〔5〕 金彭年:《国际私法上的公共秩序研究》,载《法学研究》1999年第4期,第114页。又可见李双元:《国际私法(冲突法篇)》,武汉大学出版社1987年版,第233页。
    〔6〕 李双元:《市场经济与当代国际私法趋同化问题研究》,武汉大学出版社1994年版,第413页。
    〔7〕 参见宋航:《国际商事仲裁裁决的承认与执行》,法律出版社2000年版,第27页以下。
    〔8〕 参见韩德培、韩健:《美国国际私法(冲突法)导论》,法律出版社1994年版,第232页。
    〔9〕 参见前引〔7〕,宋航书,第174页。
    〔12〕 郑远民、吕国民等编:《国际私法:国际民事诉讼法与国际商事仲裁法》,中信出版社2002年版,第196页。
    〔13〕 谢石松:《论对外国法院判决的承认与执行》,载《中国社会科学》1990年第5期,第207页以下。
    〔14〕 巴迪福:《国际私法基础》,第846页。转引自李双元,谢石松:《国际民事诉讼法概论》,武汉大学出版社2001年版,第464页。
    〔16〕 See Hague Conference on Private Int'l Law, Summary of the Outcome of the Discussion in Commission II of the First Part of the Diplomatic Conference 6-20 (2001), available at http://www.hcch.net/doc/jdgm2001draft_ e.doc.
    〔17〕 Hilton v. Guyot, 159 U.S. 113, 164-65 (1895).
    〔18〕 Ackerman v. Levine, 788 F.2d 830, 841-42 (2d Cir. 1986).
    〔19〕 Loucks v. Standard Oil Co., 120 N.E. 198, 201 (N.Y. 1918).
    〔20〕 Laker Airways Ltd. v. Sabena, Belgian World Airlines, 731 F.2d 909, 931 (D.C. Cir. 1984).
    〔21〕 Republic of the Philippines v. Westinghouse Electric Corp., 821 F. Supp. 292 (D.N.J. 1993).
    〔22〕 Jaffe v. Snow, 610 So. 2d 482 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1992).
    〔23〕 Matusevitch v. Telnikoff, 877 F. Supp. 1 (D.D.C. 1995).
    〔24〕 Intercontinental Hotels Corp. (Puerto Rico) v. Golden, 203 N.E.2d 210 (N.Y. 1964).
    〔25〕 Ingersoll Milling Machine Co. v. Granger, 833 F.2d 680 (7th Cir. 1987).
    〔26〕 Case 228/81, Pendy Plastic Products B.V. v. Pluspunkt Handelsgesellschaft mbH, 1982 E.C.R. 2723.
    〔27〕 Karen E. Minehan, The Public Policy Exception to the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments: Necessary or Nemesis?, 18 Loy. L.A. Int'l & Comp. L.J. 795, p.815 (1996).
    〔29〕 Jonathan H. Pittman, The Public Policy Exception To The Recognition Of Foreign Judgments, 22 Vand. J. Transnat'l L. 969, p.995 (1989).

    Abstract: Public Policy Exception is one of the reasons that local courts holds on refusing recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. With no clear standard, the application of public policy exception often meets a lot of difficulties. To date, no widely recognized international convention referred to this problem was achieved yet. However, some practices in the US and EU indicate that the public policy exception should be narrowly interpreted. As to China, there’re still some inadequacies in the legislations concerning public policy. It is also believed that public policy will keep on playing an important role in denial of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgment.

    Key words: Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgment, Public policy, Hague Convention, Brussels Convention.

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