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  • WTO的价值目标与中国“入世”后的对外贸易政策取向

    [ 沈舒 ]——(2005-3-21) / 已阅34111次

    [10] 何新:《新国家主义的经济观》.北京,时事出版社.2001.213页.
    [11] 何新:《新国家主义的经济观》.北京,时事出版社.2001.244页.

    The value goal of WTO and foreign trade policy orientation after China's " entry to WTO "

    Shen Shu

    (Southwest University of Political Science and Law,Chongqing 400031)
    Abstract: China's entry to WTO has already lasted nearly 4 years so far, the accession to the WTO is far- reaching to China's influence. Following China as a member under the free trade system of now, while contributing the global liberalization of trade and economic growth, how utilizing the opportunity that enter the WTO, orienting foreign trade policy of China accurately, thus really promoting the development of national economy, enhancing national international competitiveness ,which have already become a key question that we have had to face. This text will put forward author's own thinking visual angle through an analysis of the above question, causes more thinking of this question of person.
    Key word: Principle and goal of WTO  Free trade  Foreign trade policy  Benefit of the country

    总共2页  [1] 2






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