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  • 和谐语境下社会保障的价值解读

    [ 李长健 ]——(2008-9-14) / 已阅19146次


    Keep on the background worth analysis of the social guarantee
    Lichangjian Liwei Jiangxiaohua
    (Huazhong Agricultural University,wuhan 430070,China)

    Abstract: See from the rule of law, the center of gravity of the harmonious social construction or purchase is the diapason that the society circulates the mechanism.Be a kind of social harmonious mechanism that dissolve the antinomy, society the materiality that guarantee is society for realization harmonizes to provide the basic system to prop up.In harmonize atmosphere, social guarantee the original principle be sublimate, can keep on the diapason, common development, the equity has the initiative etc. new principle enrichment come in.Social guarantee the value also is give all new content, legal theory value and practice worth of understanding also obtain the new breakthrough, the substance justice acquires the reasonableness back to return.Harmonious the society and societies guarantee the principle to agree with , value of heavy match, social guarantee new function- social harmonious motive, is among them the humanities particularly dynamical and exertive, all induce and help realize the social guarantee new system of creation, harmonize push to society and socialisms then and necessarily new the construction of the village.
    Keywords:Society guarantee;Harmonious society;Common development;Humanities motive;Can keep on the diapason

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    A 法学理论

    C 国家法、宪法

    E 行政法

    F 刑法

    H 民法

    I 商法

    J 经济法

    N 诉讼法

    S 司法制度

    T 国际法

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