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  • 浅析防卫过当

    [ 乔铁军 ]——(2008-5-28) / 已阅54100次


    作者:北安市人民法院乔铁军 王素杰

    摘 要

    关键词:防卫过当 正当防卫 防卫行为 刑法


    Defends has considered refers to the defense behavior obviously to surpass the essential limit to create the significant harm to have to take the legal responsibility, but defends has considered one kind of slight criminality, it conforms to the crime constitution general principle, namely the crime constitution several important documents main body, the object, the subjective aspect and the objective aspect, have defended when the main body is the single citizen which has the legal responsibility ability, the object illegally violates human's personal rights, namely illegally violates the human to receive the criminal law protection the life to urge legally with the healthy power, the subjective aspect is defends the human to when the result holds the laissez faire careless too self-confident manner, The objective aspect was defends the behavior obviously to surpass stopped the illegal violation behavior to have the limit, and has created the significant harm. "Criminal law" 20th obviously has not surpassed essential limit "to" to make the limits, how creates to limits in the legal science has defended when proposed many viewpoints, along with society's progress, the legal science to have defended when proposed with the justifiable defense relations the new viewpoint, finally about has defended works as the legal responsibility, defends has worked as the constitution crime, must undertake the legal responsibility, but should reduce or avoid the punishment, this also encourages the citizen, dares to wage the struggle with the illegal violation, to maintains the social order to have the positive function.

    Key word: Defends has worked as Justifiable defense Defense behavior Criminal law


    总共4页  1 [2] [3] [4]






    A 法学理论

    C 国家法、宪法

    E 行政法

    F 刑法

    H 民法

    I 商法

    J 经济法

    N 诉讼法

    S 司法制度

    T 国际法

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