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    [ 吴丹红 ]——(2007-4-19) / 已阅48871次

    A Review on the Science of Evidence Law in China

    ——distinguishing the science of evidence Law from the science of evidence

    WU Dan-hong

    (Peking University, Beijing, 100871)

    Abstract:Through a review on the historical division of the science of evidence and the science of evidence law, we can realize the efforts being made by scholars. It is a tendency for the science of evidence law to be independent of the science of evidence and the science of procedural law. Looking back the whole development history of the science of evidence law in China, from 1930 to 2005, it is the period of germination, evolution, frustration and re-foundation, in which there are a lot of inextricable issues and arguments, especially when it tangled with the science of evidence again. In order to keep up the development of the research of the science of evidence law, we should take full advantage of academic resources with respect to the science of evidence law in common law system, shrink research subject and improve the methods, and subsequently move forward and deeper in the science of evidence law.

    Key Words:Law of Evidence; Science of Evidence; Research Object; Independent Subject

    收稿日期:2005年11月1日,发表于政法论坛(中国政法大学学报) 2006年第2期

    总共3页  [1] [2] 3






    A 法学理论

    C 国家法、宪法

    E 行政法

    F 刑法

    H 民法

    I 商法

    J 经济法

    N 诉讼法

    S 司法制度

    T 国际法

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