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  • 新法规速递

  • 刑法上严格责任之否定

    [ 欧锦雄 ]——(2005-11-12) / 已阅17385次

    Deny the Strict Liability in Criminal Law
    Abstract: the Criminal Law of our country should not stipulate the strict liability. Because the system of the strict liability will destry the theory of criminal compoe of our country ,and will violate the principle of presumption of innocence ,and also will violate the justice of criminal .
    To the crimes which infringe public welfare and the crimes which are difficulty in obtaining evidence, we can make some countermeasure in criminal legislation and jurisdiction .
    Key words: deny ,strict liability, criminal law,countermeasure.

    总共2页  [1] 2






    A 法学理论

    C 国家法、宪法

    E 行政法

    F 刑法

    H 民法

    I 商法

    J 经济法

    N 诉讼法

    S 司法制度

    T 国际法

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