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  • 信托受益人权利的性质:对人权抑或对物权.

    [ 陈雪萍 ]——(2012-2-9) / 已阅18239次

    [7][8][20][36][45]See Austin W.Scott,The Nature of the Rights of the Cestui Que Trust,17Colum.L.Rev.269,270(1917).
    [9]See Baker v Archer-Shee(1927)AC 844,HL.
    [10]George T.Bogert,Trusts,West Group 1987,p.133.
    [11]See Cave v.Cave,15Ch.D.639,647.
    [12]Hanbury,Modern Equity,Stevens &Sons,1962(8th ed.),p.446.
    [13]Nathan &Marshall,A Casebook on Trusts,Stevens,1967(5th ed.),p.9.
    [14]Patrick McLoghlin Catherine Rendell Law of Trusts,MacMillan 1992,p.13.
    [15][16]Philip H Pettit,Equity and the Law of Trusts,Botterworths,1984,p.70,p.69.
    [17][34][38][39][44]See Restatements of Trusts 2d,§12(1959).
    [19]See Roscoe Pound,Jurisprudence,The Law book Exchange,LTD.2000,p.427.
    [21]See J.E.Penner,The Idea of Property Law.Clarendon Press.Oxford,1997,pp.25-31.
    [22]George T.Bogert,Trusts,Westgroup,2001,p.133.
    [23]In rem rights are proprietary in nature;related to the ownership of property and not based on any personal relationship,as is the casewith in personam rights.See http://WWW.duhaime.org/LegalDictionary/I/InRem.aspx
    [28]See Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale v.Islington Londom Borough Council(1996)A.C.669,705.
    [30]A chose in action is a comprehensive term used to describe a property right or the right to possession of something that can only be ob-tained or enforced through legal action.It is used in contradistinction to chose in possession,which refers to cases where title to money orproperty is in one person but possession is held by another.See http://law.jrank.org/pages/5211/Chose-in-Action.html#ixzz0RW7VUgTu
    [31]See Halsbury’s Laws of England,LexisNexis Butterworths,1907,Volume 48,Para.626.
    [32]See 90C.J.S.Trusts§193-a.
    [33]See Bankruptcy Code,11U.S.C.541(a)(1).
    [40]参见付俊伟、Jam Smits:《欧盟民法典草案之物权法评论》,载梁慧星主编:《民商法论丛》第44卷,法律出版社2009年版,第559页。
    [47]See Re Kayford[1975]1WLR 279.

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