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  • 产品营销与中国法律的公众形象

    [ 张远梁 ]——(2003-9-4) / 已阅23079次

    [29] 蔡新春、黄寿德主编:《现代市场营销》,第210页,中山大学出版社,2000年第2版。
    [30] 魏贤君:《公共形象:营销战略的左膀右臂》,载《经济师》,2002年第10期。
    [32] 国家检察官学院徐赫喃:《儒法传统与执法理念》。

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    2 菲利普·科特勒等.市场营销导论.俞利军译.北京:华夏出版社.2001
    3 宫本欣主编.法学家茶座(第二辑).济南:山东人民出版社.2003
    4 蔡新春,黄寿德主编.现代市场营销.广州:中山大学出版社.2000
    5 张国良主编.传播学原理.上海:复旦大学出版社.1995
    6 林达.历史深处的忧虑.北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店.1997
    7 刘星.法律是什么.北京:中国政法大学出版社.1998
    8 李交发.法治建设论.长沙:湖南人民出版社.1998
    9 王长斌.论中国法治建设.中国法学.1999,2
    10 魏贤君.公共形象:营销战略的左膀右臂.经济师.2002,10
    11 陆德生,纪荣荣.二十年来法治进程的回顾与前瞻.中国法治之路.北京:北京大学出版社.2000

    Production Marketing and the Public Image of the Law of China
    Abstract : the public image of the law is very similar with the product’s image in the Marketing. The masses’ knowledge of the law is the same as the consumers’ appreciation to some product, so the consumers’ impression of the product has deep impact to the selling. Also, the law’s image has direct relation to the law’s force in the public. The law is a tool with which the masses protect own legal right from damaging. As a tool, the law should be accepted and mastered by the masses, but not only belong to the justicers, the inquisitors, the lawyers or the professors who are called “the people of the law”. On the other hand, the forcible law’s public image has direct impact on the effect of the law’s execution. Only the law that can convulse people’s heart can make them sincerely convinced. Researching the law’s image from the method of the Marketting, can also be a approach to the reform of the judicature of China.
    Key Words : Marketing;Production;The law of China;Public image

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    A 法学理论

    C 国家法、宪法

    E 行政法

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