
二、各国驻华外交代表机构、领事机构、商务机构,驻华的国际组织机构和民间机构(以下统称驻华机构),外交官、领事官以及各驻华机构所属常驻人员,由外国或者港澳等地区汇入或者携入的自由外汇和人民币外汇票证,可以自行保存,可以卖给或者存入中国银行,也可以汇出境? 猓绻鼍常Φ卑凑铡抖酝饣恪⒐蠼鹗艉屯饣闫敝さ冉龉车墓芾硎┬邢冈颉钒炖怼? 三、凡与我国订有支付协定的国家,其驻华机构或人员汇入的记帐外汇,只限提取人民币。

(Promulgated by the State General Administration of ExchangeControl on August 10, 1981)

Important Notice: (注意事项)

当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)

Rules for the Implementation of Foreign Exchange Control Relating
to Foreign Representations in China and Their Personnel
(Promulgated by the State General Administration of Exchange
Control on August 10, 1981)
Article 1
These rules are formulated for implementing the stipulations in Articles
20 and 21 of the "Provisional Regulations for Exchange Control of the
People's Republic of China".
Article 2
Foreign exchange in convertible currency and payment instruments in
convertible Renminbi remitted or carried into China from foreign countries
or from Hongkong and Macao by foreign diplomatic missions, consulates,
official commercial offices, offices of international organizations and
non-governmental bodies resident in China (hereinafter called foreign
representations in China), diplomatic officials and consuls as well as
members of the permanent staff of the above foreign representations, may
be kept in their own possession, or sold to or deposited with the Bank of
China, or remitted out of China. If they are to be taken out of China, the
matter shall be handled according to the stipulations of the "Rules
Governing the Carrying of Foreign Exchange, Precious Metals and Payment
Instruments in Convertible Currency into or out of China".
Article 3
In regard to countries which have signed payments agreements with China,
their representations in China and personnel thereof shall only receive
payment in Renminbi when remittances to them are effected through a
clearing account.
Article 4
Where foreign diplomatic missions and consulates in China wish to convert
into foreign currency visa and certification fees received in Renminbi
from Chinese citizens, a written application has to be filed with the
State General Administration of Exchange Control or its branch offices for
Article 5
When foreign representations in China and their personnel sell commodities
and equipment they previously brought into China from abroad or from
Hongkong and Macao, or bought in China, the Bank of China shall not
provide them with foreign exchange for the Renminbi proceeds they receive
from the sale.
Article 6
These rules are promulgated by the State General Administration of
Exchange Control.

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