

http://www.law-lib.com  2012-7-24 14:52:35  来源:中国法学会网

1 、武树臣教授  
【摘要】 <正>武树臣,男,1949年10月29日出生,北京市人,汉族,中共党员,北京市法学会副会长。1978年2月至1982年2月在北京大学法律学系读本科(七七级)并获法学学士学位。毕业后留校任教,讲授中国法律思想史、中国传统法律文化、中国法史文献学;
【关键词】 中国法律思想史; 中国传统法律文化; 北京市; 法学会; 中国法学; 法律学; 文献学; 北京大学; 学士学位; 中共党员;
2 、中国特色刑事诉讼制度的重大发展  卞建林(中国政法大学诉讼法学研究所);   
【摘要】 刑事诉讼法修改在坚持从我国基本国情出发,循序渐进地推进我国刑事诉讼制度的完善;坚持统筹处理好惩罚犯罪与保障人权的关系;坚持着力解决在惩治犯罪与维护司法公正方面存在的突出问题原则下,贯彻了"尊重和保障人权"的宪法原则,对证据制度、辩护制度、强制措施、侦查程序、审判程序、执行程序等方面作了完善,是中国特色刑事诉讼制度的重大发展。但在取得很大成绩的同时,问题与不足也是客观存在的,还需要进一步完善,并通过司法解释的出台和实施细则的制定加以弥补。
【Abstract】 Revision of China’s criminal procedure law adheres to the principles, such as promoting improvement of China’s criminal procedural system from the basic national condition, coordinating the relationship of punishment and human rights protection, and making efforts to resolve the outstanding problems of fighting against crimes and maintaining the judicial justice. It’s reaffirmed the constitutional principle of "respecting and protecting human rights", revised and improved evidence system, defense system, coercive measures, investigation procedures, trial procedures, and execution procedures. The revision was the major development of the criminal procedural system with Chinese characteristics. However, there were still certain problems and shortages to be improved and completed in judicial interpretations and implementation rules.
【关键词】 刑事诉讼法修改; 原则; 要点; 问题与不足;
【Key words】 revision of the criminal procedural law principles main points problems and shortages;
3 、再审程序的理解与适用——兼评《刑事诉讼法》关于再审程序的修改  陈卫东;杜磊(中国人民大学法学院);  
【摘要】 刑事再审程序,是一种非常救济程序,应当注重再审纠错与程序安定性价值之间的衡平。此次《刑事诉讼法》修改用修改两条、新增两条的方式对刑事再审程序作了一定的修改与完善,有其进步意义。但对于申诉改造、再审事由的设置、再审的启动主体以及再审审理程序的构建等核心问题并没有涉及。因而,此次《刑事诉讼法》关于再审程序的修改只能称得上是程序"微调"。从司法适用的角度来讲,新《刑事诉讼法》的有关规定尚有进一步完善、细化的必要。对此,结合中国的司法实际,可以通过司法解释的形式加以完善,以统一指导司法实践。
【Abstract】 Criminal retrial procedure, as an important relief procedure, should consider the balance between error correction and stability of procedure. Two articles are amended in the criminal procedure law (2012)while another two articles are added in it. Although the amendment possesses progress, they do not mention the core problems such as starting of the criminal retrial procedure and construction of the hearing procedure. So we can only say this is just an adjustment of the criminal retrial procedure. From view of judicial application, there is still room to improve. Maybe we could think about the way of judicial interpretation to solve this problem with background of current judicial practice in China.
【关键词】 96年《刑事诉讼法》; 刑事诉讼法修正案; 再审程序;
【Key words】 criminal procedure law (1996) criminal procedure law(2012) the criminal retrial procedure;
4 、《刑事诉讼法》修改凸显人权保障——论不得强迫自证有罪和非法证据排除条款  杨宇冠(中国政法大学诉讼法学研究所);   
【摘要】 此次我国《刑事诉讼法》修改,规定了不得强迫任何人证实自己有罪,还增加了非法证据排除的规定。这些新增内容之间存在紧密联系,每一项又有各自的意义。"不强迫自证其罪"条款是"尊重和保障人权"的进一步体现,关系到我国刑事侦查、检察和司法部门的职责和个人权利的保障;非法证据排除是落实不强迫自证其罪的具体措施,通过约束侦查部门取证行为对侵犯个人权利提供了补救措施。这些都是我国《刑事诉讼法》在原则性和制度方面的重大修改。文章详细研究了新增加的这些条款的确切含义,指出其中的进步意义,分析了存在的问题,提出执行新增加的这些法律条文必须注意的事项。
【Abstract】 Amendments of China’s criminal procedure law clearly stipulate that no one shall be compelled to incriminate themselves, which directly reflects respect and safeguarding of human rights in the criminal justice system. It also goes beyond the criminal justice system by safeguarding the rights of society as a whole. The amendment also added the exclusionary rule. Five new articles are related to the rule, including the exclusion of oral evidence, the procuratorate’s function in suppressing the illegal evidence, court hearing process of suppressing the evidence, burden of proof and level of proof. These contents have formed a complete system of exclusionary rule. These articles have been made on the basis of extensive theoretical researches and experiences of practice at home and abroad and in line with the United Nations’ guidelines on international criminal justice.
【关键词】 刑事诉讼法修改; 保障人权; 不强迫自证其罪; 非法证据排除;
【Key words】 criminal procedure law amendment privilege against self-incrimination exclusionary rule;
5 、突围垄断:中国知识产权保护之向度把握——以中西方文化传统差异为视角  胡充寒(广东外语外贸大学法学院);韩学周(北京科技大学);  
【摘要】 知识产权首先应该是一个文化问题,其在中国传统文化中具有共享性、实用性与低价性,当中国知识产权法律在乡土社会的国际化进程中遭遇知识垄断、规律理性与权利至上的文化挑战时,中国知识产权文化建设必须通过充分解放思想与大胆创新的方式和谐崛起,突围垄断,构建有中国特色的知识产权保护体系。
【Abstract】 Intellectual property shall firstly be a cultural issue. It has the sharing, practical and low-costing characteristics in Chinese traditional culture. When Chinese intellectual property law encounters challenges of cultural monopoly, the ration of law and the right supremacy in internationalization of the local community, China’s intellectual property right cultural construction shall rise up harmoniously through mind-emancipations and bold innovation. The monopoly shall be broken through and an intellectual property protection system with Chinese characteristics shall be built.
【关键词】 知识产权文化; 文化挑战; 文化建设; 保护体系;
【Key words】 intellectual property culture cultural challenges cultural construction protection system;
6 、判例法传统与中华法系  胡兴东(曲靖师范学院);   
【摘要】 中华法系是中国古代法律体系的一种总括性称谓。在此概念下包括着中国历史上形成的法律传统的方方面面。作为一种自成体系的法律体系,中国古代判例法制度构成了其中的一个内容,也是中华法系的一个特质。传统中国判例法在模式上出现成文法典与非成文法典下两种,其中主要是成文法典下的判例法。传统判例法在类型上有创制型、补充型和解释型,在作用上有作为判决依据、法律适用论证依据和立法依据,论证类型上有比类推理和高度伦理性说理,在整体上体现出有较为完善的逻辑结构、分类具体适用等。总之,中国传统判例法在类型上、作用上、适用上都体现出不同于近代普通法系下的判例法特点。
【Abstract】 China’s legal system is the title of ancient China’s legal systems. This concept includes all aspects of the legal tradition in Chinese history. As a self-contained legal system, the case law system constitutes one part, also one of the characteristics of Chinese legal system. Formation of Chinese traditional case law is closely related to the context of the entire traditional Chinese legal culture. China’s traditional case law has are two modes, namely the code of law and non-written code, while case law under the code of law reflects its main characteristics. The traditional case law has three types, i.e., creating, supplementing and interpretation. It is also used as the basis of cases’ sentences, application of law and legislation, which is typed as the analogically reasoning and highly ethical reasoning that has complete logic structure and concrete application, etc. In general, it is absolutely different from the modern common law in many ways.
【关键词】 中华法系; 普通法系; 判例法; 比类;
【Key words】 Chinese legal system common law system case law analogy;
7 、传统中国法比附援引的源与流  黄春燕(山东政法学院法学院);  
【摘要】 文本表达与司法实践背离的问题自古有之,直到今天仍然困扰着我们。传统法比附援引在弥合法律文本与司法实践的缝隙方面发挥了至关重要的作用,与缘法定罪之间存在一定的张力,二者共同保证了司法结论的合法性与正当性。如何约束司法者比附的恣意性,是比附援引能够发挥应有作用的前提保证。探究比附援引的源与流对当下罪刑法定下如何把握扩张性解释的度具有一定的启发意义。
【Abstract】 The problem of the lap between text expression and judicial practice existed in ancient society, but still confuses us today. Analogy in traditional law played an important role in closing the lap between text expression and judicial practice. There was a tension between analogy and conviction according to the law, which both guaranteed legality and legitimacy of judicial conclusion. How to constrain the judiciary arbitrarily judging was the premise which made analogy play an important role. Exploring the origin of analogy has some inspiration to how to grasp the limitation of the interpretation of expansion under the principle of legality today.
【关键词】 比附援引; 缘法定罪; 扩张解释; 罪刑法定;
【Key words】 analogy conviction according to the law the interpretation of expansion the principle of legality;
8 、社会发展中的中国法理学悖论  范进学(上海交通大学凯原法学院);  
【摘要】 改革开放以来的法理学在研究与教学上在一定程度上与中国模式之间存在着一种张力,其表征是:法理学之西方知识与中国模式之东方经验的悖论、法理学之"权利本位"与中国模式之"发展""稳定"目标的悖论、法理学之法律自由价值优先与中国模式之法律秩序价值优先的悖论、法理学之以"个人"为本的法律观与中国模式之以"人民"为本的法律观的悖论。如何认识与看待这些悖论,是当下法理学发展的新课题。
【Abstract】 To some extent , there exists a kind of tension between jurisprudence and the Chinese model in research & teaching since reforming and opening, whose superficial characteristics is: paradox between the western jurisprudential knowledge and the oriental experience of China’s model, paradox between jurisprudential "standard of right" and the target of "development" & "stability" of China’s model, paradox between the priority of the legal independent value and the priority of the legal orderly value of China’s model, paradox between legal concept based on "individual" and the legal concept based on "the people" of China’s model. How to recognize and treat these paradoxes is the new subject of the development of jurisprudence at present.
【关键词】 中国模式; 法理学; 悖论; 变造;
【Key words】 China’s model jurisprudence paradox alter;
9 、农村土地承包经营权流转法律问题新探——以北京地区部分基层人民法院所审理土地承包经营权流转纠纷案件为例  龙翼飞;赵岚音(中国人民大学法学院);   
【摘要】 近十年来,我国农村土地承包经营权流转的现象由局部到全面,日益蓬勃展开,促使农村经济向农业产业化迈进,增加了农民收入,拓宽了农业建设之路。但是,一些地方却出现了农村土地承包经营权流转中损害农民财产权利的负面问题,并引发了为数不少的法律纠纷。北京地区基层人民法院陆续审理了多起农村土地承包经营权纠纷案件,其中的若干法律问题值得法学界从理论和实务结合的角度进行深入研究,以期寻找出完善相关法律制度的对策。
【Abstract】 During the last ten years, circulation of rural land rights to contracted management develops from parts to almost all areas in China, which has made the rural economy into the age of agricultural industrialization while improving the peasants’ incomes and broadening the way of agricultural construction. But there are still many problems in circulation of the rural land rights to contracted management in many places, which initiates many legal disputes.
【关键词】 农村土地承包经营权流转制度; 法律问题;
【Key words】 system of circulation of rural land rights to contracted management legal problems;
10 、试论我国农村集体建设用地使用权的流转  关淑芳(中国青年政治学院);   
【摘要】 农村集体建设用地使用权的流转是理论界和实务界长期关注的焦点问题,本文从农村集体建设用地使用权流转的现状入手,简要分析了我国现行法律禁止农村集体建设用地使用权进入土地交易一级市场流转的弊端,最后结合民法价值判断问题的实体性论证规则论证了允许农村集体建设用地使用权依法自由流转的正当性。
【Abstract】 Circulation of China rural collective construction land right of use has been a key problem in China for a long time. This paper focuses on the practical situation of the circulation of China rural collective construction land right of use, analyzing the deficiency of forbidding the circulation of China rural collective construction land right of use under modern China’s legal system, including some other civil value judgment. And finally we get such a conclusion that the circulation of China rural collective construction land right of use should be freely allowed according to law.
【关键词】 集体建设用地使用权; 平等; 自由流转;
【Key words】 circulation of China rural collective construction land right of use the principle of equality free circulation;
11 、“小产权房”面临的法律难题及其破解  刘晓霞(甘肃政法学院);  
【摘要】 "小产权房"是我国近年来出现的社会现象,然而其在建设及交易过程中面临着诸多法律上的难题。这些难题表明我国集体土地所有权被虚置,建设用地使用权流转机制亦不健全。要破解这些法律难题,应当赋予农村集体建设用地使用权以完全用益物权效力,构建城乡平等的建设用地使用权流转制度;创新集体土地所有权和使用权主体制度,确保所有权权能的实现;完善土地征收制度,禁止为"商业利益"而征收;构建科学的城乡土地利用规划制度,同时政府应当让利于民。
【Abstract】 As a social phenomenon, housing without real estate ownership has come up in China in recent years. But it faces many legal difficulties during the process of construction and transaction. These legal difficulties indicate that collective land ownership is emptied, and the alienation of right to use construction land is unsound. In order to surmount these difficulties, we should endow rural collective right to use construction land with complete effect of usufructuary right to construct equal system of the alienation of right to use construction land between urban and rural areas. We should create subject systems of collective land ownership and collective right to use land to implement rights of ownership. Systems of requisition lands should be improved and the requisition for business benefit should be prohibited. The planning system to use land should be constructed in urban and rural areas scientifically. Government should give civil subjects opportunities for benefit.
【关键词】 小产权房; 用益物权; 集体建设用地使用权流转;
【Key words】 housing without real estate ownership usufructuary right the alienation of collective right to use construction land;
12 、金融消费者保护体制及其相关问题  邓纲(西南政法大学经济法学院);   
【摘要】 2008年爆发的金融危机引发了世界各国对金融消费者保护问题的关注。金融产品或服务的消费特点使消费者需要得到更专业和更细致的监管保护,这对监管机构的组织体制和职能建设提出了更高的要求。当前对金融消费者保护体制主要有分业管理、综合管理和专门管理三种模式,借鉴金融发达国家经验,我国可以选择在分业监管部门内设机构的方案,同时加强金融知识的普及和教育,待基本保护职能较为完善、经验相对成熟后通过专门立法实现金融消费者保护体制的专门管理模式。
【Abstract】 Financial crisis triggered attention to consumer financial protection over the world. The features of current financial consuming market indicate that the consumers need more protection than in the past. The corresponding regulating authorities and functions shall be the base of the whole legal framework. In this respect, Canada and USA take its place in front ranks of the world. Both Canada & USA established specialized legislatures and executive organizations, and put the financial literacy as priority. These are good experiences deserving our attention.
【关键词】 金融消费者; 体制; 金融素养;
【Key words】 consumer financial protection organization and system basic function;
13 、我国企业利用外国直接投资风险研究——以西北轴承厂引资教训为例  肖周录;王娟(西北工业大学);  
【摘要】 利用外资(FDI)并不总能实现理想化的互利共赢局面,这一点在学界研究中国利用外资三十多年的具体实践中已经得到印证。利用外国直接投资设立合资企业的风险表现为合资企业运营过程中特别是合资企业转变为独资企业时对中方投资主体的权益可能造成的影响。在国家进一步优化外商投资环境,吸引外资的背景下,如何维护中方投资主体在合资企业中的合法权益,是值得深入研究的问题。
【Abstract】 Utilizing foreign direct investment (FDI) cannot always realize the mutual beneficial and double-winning situation, which has been proved in China’s research area during utilizing the foreign direct investment in practice over the last 30 years. Foreign direct investment sets up the risks of joint venture enterprises that would reduce our profits in the process of its operation, especially when the joint venture enterprises turn into the owned enterprises. How to remain our legitimate rights and interests in joint-venture is worth researching, with the background of further optimizing the environment for investment and attracting foreign investment in China.
【关键词】 利用外资; 合资风险; 独资;
【Key words】 utilize foreign investment risks of joint venture enterprises owned enterprises;
14 、房地产的财税法调控研究  王平;刘慧勇(北京联合大学);   
【摘要】 对房地产调控的税收措施相对比较完善,但"土地财政"却消解了部分税收调控作用。要改革财政体制,在体制内增强地方财力,改变地方对"土地财政"的依赖,取消对个人自住房产免纳房产税的规定,强化土地增税清算、完善并严格执行"二手房"交易相关税收政策,降低房产交易价格,抑制投机购房,发挥财税制度对房地产的调控作用。
【Abstract】 The regulation of real estate by tax has material functions, but land finance decrease these functions. We should change the financial system, increase local government receipts so that they will not depend on land finance so much, impose property tax, improve land taxation clearing system, perfect second-hand house exchange policy, decrease house price, control investment on commercial residential building, and make taxation to be an effective tool for regulation of real estate.
【关键词】 税收; 土地财政; 房地产调控;
【Key words】 taxation land finance regulation on real estate;
15 、社会保险经办机构的法律定位  叶静漪;肖京(北京大学法学院);  
【摘要】 我国《社会保险法》的顺利实施受制于社会保险经办机构管理体制的顺畅与否。我国以前立法对社会保险经办机构的性质和职能的法律定位不明,而《社会保险法》回避了这一问题,直接影响到社会保险业务的办理。因此,很有必要在理论上对社会保险机构的性质和职能进行定位,并在立法上予以明确。通过对社会保险经办机构现状和现行立法相关条文的分析可以看出,我国社会保险经办机构应该定位为以服务为主但具有行政管理职能的事业单位。
【Abstract】 The smooth implementation of the social insurance law depends on the smooth management system of social insurance agency. The legal status of social insurance agency was ambiguous in the legislation of China and the social insurance law evaded this question. This situation affects the transaction processing of social insurance. So it is necessary to position the nature and function in theory and define it in legislation. From the analysis of the current situation of social insurance agency and the articles of existing legislation, it can be seen that the legal status of social insurance agency should be public institution with both service and administration function.
【关键词】 社会保险经办机构; 性质; 职能; 法律定位;
【Key words】 social insurance agency nature function legal status;
16 、我国建立农民医疗保障法律制度的思考  柯楠(信阳职业技术学院);  
【摘要】 我国的农民医疗保障制度曾有过辉煌,也遭遇过挫折。建立农民医疗保障法律制度是人权事业发展、和谐社会构建、实现农业现代化、解决农民因病返贫、缩小城乡居民健康差距的需要。近几年,农民医疗保障制度—新型农村合作医疗的试点推行,为我们制定《农民医疗保障法》提供了立法经验。建立农民医疗保障法律制度,应坚持科学原则,从法律制度建设入手,依法推进,保持农民医疗保障制度规范、有序、有效。同时,要加强与农民医疗保障法律制度相适应的配套制度改革建设工作,以保证农民医疗保障法律制度落到实处。
【Abstract】 China’s rural medical security system has been brilliant, but also encountered setbacks. Establishing rural medical security legal system is the cause of human rights development. Building a harmonious society, realizing agricultural modernization, solving farmers’ problems of medical care, etc., we need such legislation for farmers’ medical insurance in China badly. In recent years, the farmers’ medical security system - the new rural cooperative medical pilot, i.e., "the farmers’ medical security law" provides legislative experience. Establishing rural medical security legal system, we should adhere to scientific principles, from the legal system to building proceed with, to promote, maintain farmers’ medical security system standard orderly and effectively. At the same time, we must strengthen the farmers’ medical security legal system for its realization practically.
【关键词】 农民; 医疗保障; 法律制度; 思考;
【Key words】 farmers medical security legal system thinking;
17 、论我国现行药品专利强制许可立法的不足与完善  黄丽萍(广东外语外贸大学法学院); 
【摘要】 面对艾滋病、SARS、禽流感等大规模传染性疾病对公共健康安全的威胁,世界贸易组织以及各国纷纷加强药品专利强制许可立法,当然,我国也不例外。但是,我国现行药品专利强制许可制度,仍然存在立法层次过多、颁发事由不明确、申请主体过窄等不足,在今后进一步完善相关立法时,应考虑在专利法中对药品专利强制许可做出专门的、完整的规定,并明确将公共健康利益需要作为颁发专利强制许可的事由,以及允许任何单位和个人成为药品专利强制许可的申请主体。
【Abstract】 Faced with the threat of Aids, SARS, Bird Flu and other large-scale infectious diseases to public health and safety, WTO and many countries, of course including China, have strengthened their legislation on compulsory licensing of pharmaceutics patent. However, in China, there are still some limitations of the current compulsory licensing system of pharmaceutics patent, such as excessive levels of legislation, unclear cause of issuing the law, and limited varieties of applicants, etc. For further improvement of the relevant legislation in the future, it is suggested that, first of all, specialized and complete regulations should be made with regard to compulsory licensing of pharmaceutics patent. Secondly, the beneficial needs of public health should be claimed clear as the cause of issuing patent compulsory licensing. And additionally, any unit and individual should be allowed to be applicant for compulsory licensing of pharmaceutics patent.
【关键词】 强制许可; 立法模式; 事由; 申请主体; 公共健康;
【Key words】 compulsory licensing legislation mode cause applicant public health;
18 、浅析我国死刑量刑体系中经济赔偿的合理性与局限性  冯春萍(海南师范大学蒸发学院);   
【摘要】 按照我国《刑法》的规定,刑罚的本质是基于刑事责任对被告人予以惩罚报应,同时,刑罚的目的在于通过减少被告人的再犯可能性实现预防犯罪。同样,作为实现刑罚过程的量刑也应在这种"本质"和"目的"的体系中进行。人民法院在对死刑案件进行量刑时决定是否将加害方及其家属等积极进行经济赔偿的行为作为酌定情节予以考虑时,也应该首先从量刑的这种"本质"和"目的"的体系出发来判断。具体地讲,经济赔偿只有与案件的"犯罪事实"有着内在关联性,本来属于案件"定罪量刑"的要素时,并且,只有将其置于整个量刑体系下,在与其他众多的量刑要素的相互关系中被认定确实具有直接影响被告人的过去罪责(刑事责任)及其将来预防(再犯可能性)的意义时,才可以作为死刑量刑的酌定情节予以考虑,才可以成为慎用死刑立即执行而选择死刑缓期两年执行的理由。
【Abstract】 According to China’s criminal law, the essence of criminal penalty is to do retribution to the criminal, and its goal is to prevent the criminal from conducting crime again. So, sentencing, as the concrete process to make criminal penalty realized, should also be made in the formation of "retributive essence" and "preventive goal." In a death case, the court should act in the same way when it tries to consider compensation as a factor to determine whether a death penalty should be issued. Compensation can be considered as a reason to choose a sentencing of death penalty with a two years suspended execution rather than death penalty with an immediate execution, only in the case that the compensation reflects the reduction of criminal responsibility and the increase of criminals’ regret.
【关键词】 死刑量刑; 经济赔偿; 人民法院裁量权; 酌定情节;
【Key words】 death penalty compensation discretion selective element;
19 、自首制度中单位因素的介入及其思考  李东(北京市公安局);   
【摘要】 单位犯罪以后是否存在自首的问题,刑法学界尚有较大争议。现行刑法对单位自首无明确规定,但已有司法解释对部分犯罪规定了单位自首。本文从逻辑必然性、概念及意义、司法认定及相应的立法完善方面对单位自首进行了简要分析论述。《刑法》应将单位自首内涵明确化。
【Abstract】 It is still in big dispute in the criminal law field whether the surrender issue exists after the crimes are committed by an organization. There is not any clear definition of the organization surrender in current criminal law, but there is actually judicial interpretation about it in some crimes. This article gives a brief statement and analysis of the organization surrender from aspects of logical necessity, concept and significance, judicial cognizance and corresponding improvement of legislation.
【关键词】 单位犯罪; 单位自首;
【Key words】 crimes committed by an unit organization surrender;
20 、《民事诉讼法》修改与不予执行仲裁裁决——以北京仲裁委员会为对象的实证分析  王亚新(清华大学法学院);陈福勇(北京仲裁委员会);  
【摘要】 目前学界和仲裁界对《民事诉讼法》第213条规定的不予执行仲裁裁决的条件是否修改及怎样修改存在较大争议。为了给相关讨论提供有益素材,有必要取得来自仲裁及司法实践的第一手资料并作实证性的考察。通过对北京仲裁委员会1995-2010年仲裁裁决被不予执行的裁定进行分析发现,影响不予执行的因素是多元的。从实务的视角出发,至少应把第213条第(四)款牵涉事实认定的事由统一到《仲裁法》第58条作为撤销仲裁裁决事由的"伪造或隐瞒证据"的规定上去。
【Abstract】 There is much debate currently on how to revise the grounds for non-enforcing arbitral award stipulated in article 213 of China civil procedural law. To provide beneficial reference for related discussion, it is necessary to do an empirical analysis of the first-hand data from the arbitration and judicial practice. Study on rulings concerned with the non-enforcement of the awards issued by Beijing Arbitration Commission from 1995 to 2010 expresses that factors illustrating the non-enforcement of an award are diverse. From the perspective of practice, at least the ground related to fact finding stipulated in Article 213 (4) should be changed into "falsifying or concealing evidence" which is stipulated as grounds of setting aside award in Article 58 of China arbitration law.
【关键词】 《民事诉讼法》修改; 不予执行仲裁裁决; 《民诉法》第213条规定事由;
【Key words】 non-enforcement of arbitral award revising civil procedural law article 213 of civil procedural law;
21 、刑事认证如何进行——以认知心理学为研究进路  胡宇清;李蓉(湘潭大学法学院);  
【摘要】 了解认证的形成过程是完善认证制度的基础。认知心理学认为,认证的过程就是一个问题解决的过程。由于如何正确认证属于非明确限定性问题,具有模糊性,因此需更多地依靠启发式策略来解决,认证结论受到多种因素的影响,认证标准是内心确信。
【Abstract】 Understanding the formation process of certification is to improve the certification basis of the system. Cognitive psychology sticks that the certification process is a problem-solving process. How to properly certify as non-clearly defined issues, with ambiguity, therefore, rely more on heuristic strategies, certified by a variety of factors influence. The certification standards are the certification in the inner heart.
【关键词】 刑事认证; 非明确限定性问题; 启发式策略;
【Key words】 criminal attestation non-clearly defined problems heuristic strategy;
22 、我国法院对《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的适用  宣增益;王延妍(中国政法大学国际法学院);  
【摘要】 随着统一法之风盛行,《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的成员国已遍布全球,几乎所有贸易大国都参与其中。我国作为创始成员国在公约的司法实践中扮演着重要角色。但由于部分法官国际法知识相对缺乏,在公约的适用方面把握不准。文章选取若干典型判决,从公约的直接适用和选择适用两方面指出正确的公约适用方法,并通过对公约与国内法的衔接和中国对第一条第1款(b)项的保留等中国化问题的分析,明确了我国法院在适用CISG公约时应注意的一些问题。
【Abstract】 Along with the global trend of uniform law, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, has obtained a large membership, with almost all leading trade nations involved. China, as a founding member, plays an indispensable role in the judicial practice of this Convention. But because of a relative lack of knowledge in international law, some judges may not apply this convention properly. This article analyzes several typical cases and points out the appropriate ways of CISG application from direct and selective perspectives. Considering China internal law and reservation of subparagraph (1)(b) of article 1, some noticeable issues are also clarified.
【关键词】 CISG; 公约适用; 中国司法实践;
【Key words】 CISG application of the convention judicial practice in China;
23 、从公共秩序的限制适用趋势析我国有关立法之完善  马德才(江西财经大学法学院);  
【摘要】 公共秩序虽因其实质在于维护本国国家及其人民的利益而被称为国际私法中的"安全阀",但由于它缺乏一个确定、统一的概念与适用标准,因而该制度在实践中容易被滥用。而公共秩序的滥用势必大大降低国际私法在协调各国法律冲突中的价值,妨碍国际民事交往的稳定和安全。正是因为如此,所以有必要对公共秩序加以限制适用,这业已成为公共秩序的发展趋势之一。我国有关立法也应该顺应这一发展趋势加以完善。
【Abstract】 Although the public order is known as the "safety valve" of private international law owing to its safeguarding the interests of the home nation and its people in essence, it is to be abused easily in practice because of its lack of a firm, unified concepts and applicable standards, The abuse of public order is bound to greatly reduce the value of private international law in the course of coordination of conflict of laws, hinder the stability of the international civil exchanges. That is why it is necessary to limit the application of public order, and it is one of the development trends of public order. The relevant legislations should conform to this development trend and to be improved accordingly.
【关键词】 国际私法; 公共秩序; 限制适用; 立法完善;
【Key words】 private international law public order limited application legislation improvement;
24 、日本福岛核泄漏事故的法律省思  范纯(黑龙江大学法学院);  
【摘要】 日本福岛核泄漏事故的发生有其历史的必然性,是上世纪50年代建立的日本式经济体制弊端在核电领域的折射。审视日本70年代建立的核电监督体制,其效率性存在不足,加之司法暧昧,一定程度上助推了事故的发生。
【Abstract】 Japan Fukushima nuclear leak accident has its historical inevitability. It is the reflection of Japanese economic system’s abuse that established in the 1950s in the field of nuclear power. Looking at the supervision system of Japan’s nuclear power that made in 1970s, it has some defects of efficient shortcoming, of judicial lack of justice. These factors to a certain extent promote the occurrence of the accident.
【关键词】 日本核事故; 核电政策; 监管体制; 核电诉讼;
【Key words】 Japan nuclear accident policy of nuclear power regulatory regime nuclear power litigation;
25 、论禁讨区——宪法学视角下的反思与修正  吕鑫(浙江工业大学法学院); 
【摘要】 现今普遍设立的禁讨区存在争议,而宪法学的视角则认为政府固然有维护公共秩序的权力,但那些以维护生命安全为目的的乞讨行为同样受到生命权的保护,由此在权力与权利交汇之时必须谨慎的权衡。而现今的禁讨区则往往忽视了乞讨者的权利,并侵犯了其生命权和平等权。但不得侵犯并不等于不得限制,以尊重乞讨者的权利为前提,通过修正仍可提出一种合宪的禁讨区。
【Abstract】 The prevalence of the "no-begging zone" in China is controversial. In the view of the science of constitution, the government has no doubt authority and right to maintain public order, but the beggars are also protected by the right of subsistence with the purpose of maintaining their own lives. It must be comprehensively and cautiously balanced. Nowadays, the so-called "no-begging zone" have ignored beggars’ rights and violated their right to life and equality. But if legislators take seriously of beggars’ rights, a constitutional "no-begging zone "still can be legislated to limit begging.
【关键词】 禁讨区; 乞讨行为; 合宪性; 生命权; 平等权;
【Key words】 no-begging zone begging constitutional right of subsistence equal right;
26 、试论我国无效婚姻立法的缺陷及完善  王小英(山西政法干部管理学院); 
【摘要】 我国《婚姻法》虽然有无效婚姻的规定,但立法上仍然存在一些缺陷,给司法实践解决相关问题造成了困难。例如,对因疾病导致婚姻无效的规定不明确;对无效婚姻的认定缺乏行政救济途径;对当事人提出的婚姻确认之诉实行一审终审,不利于保护其合法权益;受害一方在婚姻被确认无效后得不到相应的民事赔偿等。笔者认为应该对无效婚姻立法进行修改完善:在实体法律上明确、细化不宜结婚的疾病种类及不同疾病禁止结婚的条件,在认定程序上适用二审终审制,在行政救济上赋予婚姻登记机关认定无效婚姻的权力,在民事赔偿上建立无效婚姻受害一方损害赔偿制度。
【Abstract】 Although China marriage law has regulations on invalid marriage, there still exist some defects which raise difficulties for judicial practice in resolving related issues. For example, it is not clear to the provisions of nullity of marriage due to illness. It lacks administrative channel for relief on identification of invalid marriage. First instance is the final instance for marriage identification which goes against in protecting legitimate rights and interests. The injured party may not get civil compensation when his or her marriage is confirmed as invalid. The writer suggest to revise and improve the legislation on invalid marriage, such as clarification on substantive law, refinement of the illness which should not get married, refinement of different disease conditions against marriage, application of second instance as the final instance on clarification procedures, empowerment of marriage registration office to identify the invalid marriage, establishment of compensation system for injured party on invalid marriage.
【关键词】 无效婚姻; 立法缺陷; 完善;
【Key words】 invalid marriage defect on legislation improve;
27 、第三人过错不应作为环境污染民事责任的抗辩事由  彭本利(中山大学法学院); 
【摘要】 本文分析了第三人过错是过错责任侵权案件的抗辩事由,全面梳理了第三人过错在我国环境立法中的地位演变,并就第三人过错是否为环境污染民事责任抗辩事由的理论争议进行了深入的述评。提出在以后修改《海洋环境保护法》及《水污染防治法》,甚至制定专门的环境侵权责任法时,除了明确规定在所有环境污染领域第三人过错都不是抗辩事由外,还需合理地设置第三人过错污染环境民事责任的追究机制和社会化救济机制。
【Abstract】 That this article first analyzes the fault of a third person is the defenses of the tort cases of fault liability. Then it comprehensively reviews the evolution of the fault of a third person’s position in China’s environmental legislation, and for theoretical arguments about whether the fault of a third party is the defenses in civil liability for environmental pollution. It proposed that in any subsequent revision of China "marine environmental protection law" and "water pollution control act," and even the development of specialized environmental tort liability act, we should clearly define the fault of a third person, which are not the defenses in all areas of environmental pollution, while we also need to set up the mechanism of investigating the civil liability for fault of a third party leading to the environmental pollution and set up a social relief mechanism.
【关键词】 第三人过错; 环境污染; 民事责任; 抗辩事由;
【Key words】 fault of the third part environmental pollution civil liability defenses;
28 、非常规突发事件应急准备的法律保障  林华(中国政法大学); 
【摘要】 由于非常规突发事件具有发生前兆不充分、演变发展无规律等特征,事前应急准备凸显其重要性。文章分析了我国非常规突发事件应急准备所存在的问题,并针对这些问题,从建立相关应急准备制度、健全和完善已有应急预防制度、建立健全相关应急预防制度的具体落实和执行措施等角度提出发展和完善非常规突发事件应急准备法律制度的初步建议。
【Abstract】 The emergency happens with unobvious portent and develops with abnormal regulation, so the preparedness of emergency is extremely important. The article starts from the importance of the preparedness of emergency, analyzes the reason why people ignore the preparedness of emergency, then analyses present problems of the preparedness of emergency in China, finally puts forward some suggestions of developing the legal system of the preparedness of emergency from the view of establishing the relevant systems, developing the present systems and establishing the concrete implemental measures of the preparedness of emergency.
【关键词】 非常规突发事件; 应急准备; 法律保障;
【Key words】 emergency preparedness legal guarantee;
29 、论刑事侦查阶段侦查权与辩护权的动态平衡  周永胜(中国政法大学刑事司法学院);   
【摘要】 刑事诉讼职能对于刑事诉讼各个阶段控、辩、审三方权力(利)的配置有理论和实践上的指导作用。本文从刑事诉讼职能出发,在探讨辩护理论基础和职能本质的基础上,以律师会见权的保障与合理限制为视角,探讨侦查阶段辩护权与侦查权的互动关系。由于侦查程序的特殊性,在辩护权与侦查权关系的问题上,要求我们不能"平均用力",也不能"厚此薄彼",而应实现辩护权与侦查权的动态平衡。
【Abstract】 Function of the criminal procedure is configured with the theoretical and practical guidance to the rights of three parties for the prosecution, defense and trial on the criminal procedure phases. This article explores the interaction of the power of investigation and the right of defense on the investigation stage on the perspective of protection and rational limitation of the right to a lawyer and analyzing the theoretical foundation and essence of defense. Due to the particularity of investigation procedure, we should achieve dynamic balance, more than "mean forced", nor "favor one more than another" with regard to the relationship of power of investigation and right of defense.
【关键词】 刑事辩护律师; 辩护职能; 侦查权; 辩护权;
【Key words】 criminal defense lawyer power of investigation right of defense;
30 、国际人权法及缔约国国内法对外国人财产权的保障及对我国之启示  洛岩(中国社会科学院); 
【摘要】 通过对联合国框架下的人权条约、各区域人权条约以及主要缔约国在外国人财产权保障方面的规定和做法进行研究,可知联合国人权条约对一般意义上个人(包括外国人)财产权的保护程度明显偏弱,各区域人权公约对财产权的保护则各有侧重,各缔约国对外国人的财产普遍有一定限制。其中有不少是我国在外国人财产权方面制定和适用法律、规则可借鉴的做法。
【Abstract】 This article draws the conclusions that the international human rights treaties under UN structure do not totally prohibit treating persons differently according to differentiated nationalities, and the protection of individual (including the aliens’) property rights in general terms by the international human rights treaties under UN structure is very weak, while the regional human rights treaties pay attentions on different aspects of the protection of the property rights, and nearly every country has some kind of limitation on the property rights of aliens, as well as bring forward the modus operandi drawn from such conclusions which we can learn from for the establishment of laws and regulations for the property rights of aliens by China. Through systematic analysis of provisions of international human rights law under UN structure, regional human rights treaties concern the property rights, as well as modus operandi of the protection of the property rights by main contracting states.
【关键词】 外国人权利; 财产权保障; 国际人权法;
【Key words】 aliens’ rights protection of property rights international human rights law;
31 、如何打造优秀的法学教育  杰罗姆·弗兰克(纽约法学院);王晨光(清华大学法学院); 
【摘要】 朗戴尔法学教育理论和教学法是美国法学院占主导地位的教育模式,备受推崇。然而在理论上,它具有明显的缺陷;在实践中,则造成了学生与法律实践相脱节的后果。它认为法律学科的全部资料都储存在出版物之中。封闭性、复古性、考据性成为构建朗戴尔方法的基石,形成了一个建立在书本资料上的伪科学体系。法学院应当完全抛弃朗戴尔教学法,直接面对社会问题,在更高层次上回归学徒制度,以律师事务所模式为法学教育的核心,以执业者为教师,以现实社会中的法律问题为教学内容,刻不容缓地推行法学教育实验。
【Abstract】 The Lang dell Educational Theory and the Method of Teaching Law has been the most admired and long dominant model of legal education in American law schools. Nevertheless, in theory, it has apparent flaws and, in practice, creates bad consequence of separating students from legal reality. It regards legal science contained in printed books. Seclusion, nostalgia and bookishness form the foundation of the Lang dell Pedagogy and constitute a pseudo-scientific system based solely upon book-materials. Law schools must abandon the Lang dell Pedagogy, face directly social problems, revert to the apprentice system of law teaching on a more sophisticated level, make law office as the center of law schools, employ practitioners as law teachers, use real legal issues in society as teaching materials and promote educational experiment.
【关键词】 法学教育; 朗戴尔教学法; 法律科学; 法律实践; 案例体系; 行动中的法律; 学徒式教学法;
【Key words】 legal education Langdell pedagogy legal science legal practice case system law in action apprentice system of learning;

日期:2012-7-24 14:52:35 | 关闭 |  分享到:
