

http://www.law-lib.com  2012-7-24 14:51:48  来源:中国法学会网

1 、法治文化的几个理论问题  刘作翔(中国社会科学院法学研究所);  
【摘要】 党的十七届六中全会强调文化建设,将推进法律文化、法治文化的研究。法治文化是指包含民主、人权、平等、自由、正义、公平等价值在内的人类优秀法律文化类型;法治文化由表层结构和深层结构组成,前者包括法律规范、法律制度、法律组织机构、法律设施等,后者包括法律心理、法律意识、法律思想体系。法治文化就是法律的意识形态和与其相适应的社会制度和组织机构。一般来说,观念支配行为,思想决定行动,而良好的制度和规范又影响和塑造着人们的思想观念体系。法治文化建设就是制度性文化建设与观念性文化建设的结合和互动。法治文化建设既应该高度重视法律制度的建设,也要高度重视对公民观念的塑造和提高。
【Abstract】 The sixth plenary session of 17 th of CPC emphasis cultural construction, it will promote the researches on legal culture and law culture.Legal culture and law culture is difference, law culture is human excellent law culture type that contains many values such as democracy, human rights, equality,freedom,justice etc.. Law culture is formed by surface structure and deep structure, the former includes legal standard,legal system, legal organization, and law facilities etc. The later includes legal psychological,legal consciousness,legal thought system.Law culture is ideology and its social system and organization.Generally,the idea controls behavior, the thought decided action, good system and regulate influence and shape people’s thought system. Law culture construction is combination and interaction of institutional of culture construction and conception of culture construction. Law culture construction should pay high attention to the construction of legal system, also should attach great importance to shape and improve citizen ideas.
【关键词】 形式法治; 实质法治; 法律文化; 法治文化; 文化结构;
【Key words】 formal rule by law; substantial rule by law; legal culture,; law culture; cultural structure;
2 、社会主义法治理念:中国百年法治文化的第三波  喻中(四川大学法学院); 
【摘要】 法治文化当于百年前后论升降。从辛亥革命前后开始兴起的百年中国的法治文化大潮,依次涌现出了三股此起彼伏的波澜。法治文化的第一波,是20世纪初期开始的国家主义法治理念,其核心价值是国家富强。第二波是20世纪80年代开始的自由主义法治理念,其核心价值是个人自由。2006年正式提出的社会主义法治理念,作为超越于国家主义法治理念与自由主义法治理念的法治文化形态,代表了中国百年法治文化的第三波,其核心价值是公平正义与社会和谐。百年中国先后兴起的三波法治文化大潮,其演进规律,恰好体现了百年中国的法治文化从"正题"到"反题"再到"合题"的辩证法。
【Abstract】 Legal culture should be studied around one hundred years. After the 1911,three waves of tide of legal culture break out. The first wave of legal culture is the legal idea of nationalism that emerged in the beginning of 20th century and its core value is a country rich and strong. The second wave is the legal idea of liberalism that emerged in the 1980 and its core value is liberty. The third wave is the socialism legal idea emerged in 2006 and its core value is fairness and justice and social harmony. The evolution rule of three waves of legal culture embodies the dialectics.
【关键词】 法治文化、国家主义法治; 自由主义法治; 社会主义法治; 第三波;
【Key words】 legal culture; legal idea of nationalism; legal idea of liberalism; socialism legal idea; the third wave;
3 、论文化权利的宪法保护  莫纪宏(中国社会科学院法学研究所);   
【摘要】 公民的文化权利与公民所享有的政治、经济和社会权利一样,都是公民作为国家和社会主人翁所必须享有的法律利益。我国是社会主义国家,保护公民权利是社会主义事业一贯的宗旨。从宪法角度来保障公民的文化权利,最主要的是应当加强相关的制度建设。应当在宪法文本中明确文化权利的基本权利宪法地位,明确国家和政府在保障文化权利方面应当承担的职责或义务,加强对文化权利的平等性的保护以及应当制定文化基本法律,来保障文化权利的实现真正做到有法可依。
【Abstract】 The culture rights of citizens are legal interest must be enjoyed by citizens who are as the master of country and society, as well as political, economic and social rights are enjoyed by citizens. China is a socialist country,protecting of citizens’ rights is a consistent aim of socialist cause.From the angle of constitution,guaranting citizens culture rights, should strengthen the system construction related. In the constitutional text, should make clear basic constitutional status for cultural rights, clear the duty and obligation by state and the government in the protection of cultural rights, strengthen the protection of equality of cultural rights and should formulate the basic legal culture, to ensure the realization of the cultural rights.
【关键词】 文化权利; 宪法保护; 经济; 社会和文化权利国际公约;
【Key words】 cultural rights protection constitution; economic; social; and cultural rights international convention;
4 、文化法的定位、原则与体系  肖金明(山东大学法学院);  
【摘要】 文化法属于社会法的范畴,旨在保障公民文化权益的实现和满足人民群众精神生活需要。建立公民文化权利与政府责任之间的关联性,确立和维护产业文化与事业文化形态,促进文化体制改革、社会核心价值体系建设和文化繁荣发展,需要加强文化法治建设。文化法治建设应当遵循文化权利保障、政府主导与公众参与结合、市场化与政府规制协调以及综合效益原则,构建由宪法文化权利与宪法文化政策两块坚实基石、文化事业法制与文化产业法制两个基本侧面、中央文化立法与地方文化立法两个对应层面、文化政策与文化法律两个互动方面有机构成的文化法制体系。
【Abstract】 Cultural law is the scope of social law, in order to protect the cultural rights of citizens and meet the people’s spiritual needs. It need to strengthen the establishment of cultural law in order to establish the correlation between of citizens cultural rights and government responsibility, establish and maintain the patterns of industrial culture, promote the reform of cultural system, the core value system of social and cultural prosperity development. The establishment of culture law should be followed the principles of protecting cultural rights, public participation in government-led integration, market-oriented and government regulation coordination, comprehensive benefits, build the cultural legal system that is be composed by two solid foundation of the constitution cultural rights and the constitution cultural policies, two the basic side of cultural undertakings and cultural industries, two corresponding levels of the central cultural legislation and local cultural legislation, two interaction aspects of cultural policy and cultural law.
【关键词】 文化法; 法律属性; 立法原则; 法制体系;
【Key words】 culture law; legal property; legislative principles; legal system;
5 、分配正义与收益公正分配  张东(北京大学法学院);  
【摘要】 收益公正分配是转型时期社会公正的重要维度,维系人权保护、经济发展、社会稳定与国家治理,蕴涵着分配正义理论。多种因素决定经济法分配正义是复合正义,强化在市场分配机制基础上的国家再分配职能,以促进社会基本结构的公正。经济法分配正义理论通过奠定收益分配之理论基础,提供收益分配之制度属性的路径促进收益公正分配,进而实现以社会公正为中心的可持续经济发展,推动中国社会顺利转型。而以分配正义为衡量尺度,我国收益分配制度需要进一步完善。
【Abstract】 Fair distribution of gains is the important dimension of social justice in the social transformation period, which is crucial to human rights protection, economic development, social stability and government governance, and contains distributive justice theory. Many factors decide the distributive justice of economic Law is compound justice theory, which emphasizes redistribution functions of government on the basis of market distribution mechanism to promote the justice of the basic structure of society. Distributive justice theory of economic Law promotes fair distribution of gains through forming the foundation and providing legal attribute for distributive of gains, and in turn achieves sustainable development with social justice as the center, drives society transition of China smoothly. China’s legal institutions of gains distribution, need further improvement by distributive justice standards.
【关键词】 经济法; 社会公正; 分配正义; 收益分配; 法治与发展;
【Key words】 economic law; social justice; eistributive justice; distribution of gains; role of law and development;
6 、论我国土地征收收益分配制度改革  刘国臻(华南理工大学法学院);   
【摘要】 自上世纪我国实行土地统征和有偿使用制度以来,土地征收收益分配制度的缺陷日益凸显,表现在:农民集体和农民未能分享土地征收过程中产生的发展性利益;土地征收补偿标准太低;土地收益分配集中于市、县人民政府。究其成因在于:没有解决动态土地权利的制度安排;土地征收补偿机制不能适应市场经济新体制;"土地财政"的利益驱动。破除上述缺陷的改革思路为:建立土地发展权制度;遵循市场规则,改革土地征收补偿方式;增加中央土地收益分配比例,理顺土地收益分配关系。
【Abstract】 Since last century, the deficiencies of land expropriation profit distribution have become increasingly prominent with the system of land unified expropriation and paid use. They show as follows: Firstly, collective farmers and peasantries are unable to share the developed interests in the course of land expropriation.Secondly,it’s too low for the land expropriation compensation.Thirdly,land profit distribution focuses on the city and district governments. There are some reasons. First of all, it doesn’t solve the problem of dynamic land rights system.Second,the land expropriation compensation mechanism can’t adapt to market economic system. At last, it is driven by "land finance”. In order to get rid of the defects of the reform, it’s essential to establish the land developed rights system, follow the market rules and reform the land expropriation compensation. What’s more, it’s helpful to increase the proportion of central distribution of land revenue and rationalize the relationship of land profit distribution.
【关键词】 土地征收; 收益分配; 土地补偿; 产值倍数法;
【Key words】 Land expropriation; Profit distribution; Land compensation; Method of valued multiples;
7 、我国国有资本收益若干法律问题研究  华国庆(安徽大学法学院);  
【摘要】 我国于1994年开始进行国有资本收益制度改革并取得了一些成效,但从实践来看,仍然存在收益分配范围过窄、收缴主体不明、比例过低等诸多问题,亟需进行相应的修改完善,使国有资本收益制度在保障国家作为国有资本投资者应当享有的权益、实现国民收入公平分配方面的作用真正得到发挥。
【Abstract】 China has begun reforming the System of State-owned capital gains since 1994 and achieves some success. From the practice,however,there are still many other issues, such as the income distribution is too narrow, the main body of collection is unknown and the ratio of collection is too low.Hence,it needs to be modified and improved accordingly to play the real role of the System of State-owned capital gains as protecting national interests of the state-capital investors and achieving its function of equitable distribution of national income.
【关键词】 国有资本; 国有资本收益; 国有资本经营预算;
【Key words】 State-owned capital; State-owned capital gains; state-owned capital management budget;
8 、故意伤害罪新论  郑泽善(南开大学法学院);  
【摘要】 由于我国刑法只规定一个伤害故意,因此,当行为人出于轻伤的故意导致他人重伤结果,应当怎样处罚,不仅在刑法理论中没有一个统一的基准,在司法实践中也是见仁见智。实施暴力行为,导致被害人重伤或死亡的,应当属于故意伤害罪的结果加重形态。在故意伤害的情况下,即便有被害者的承诺,由于作为伤害的社会意义并没有变更,因此,不能阻却构成要件的符合性。但是,基于被害者承诺的违法性的阻却,在某种情况下可以成立。阻却违法性的判断,应当根据被害者处分自己身体的安全这一法益,是否具有社会相当性而进行。针对同时伤害的情况,不应认定为共同伤害。
【Abstract】 There is only one intentional damage stipulated in our criminal law.Therefore,as for the problem of how to punish a person when he causes serious injury but only on purpose of slight injury, there are no unified standards in criminal theory, and opinions differing judicial practice. Implementing violence leading to the victim serious injury of death should belong to the aggravated form of the crime of intentional injury. In the case of intentional damage, even if there are consents of victim it cannot resistant the conformance of constitutive requirements, because the social significance of damage has no change. But in some situations, the consent of victim can be ground for elimination of illegality. The judgment of eliminating illegitimacy should be conducted on whether the legal interest that the victim sanctions his body safety has social correspondence. Injury at the same time should not be deemed as common injury.
【关键词】 结果加重; 被害者的承诺; 违法性本质; 同时伤害;
【Key words】 aggravated consequential offence; consent of victim; he essence of illegality; injury at the same time;
9 、论预告登记之债权在破产程序中的法律地位和保障  吴春岐(中国人民大学公共管理学院);
【摘要】 预告登记之债权与我国传统破产法中的各项权利有本质不同,其具有相对独立的法律地位。预告登记之债权在破产程序中的保障和实现具有特殊的规则:在破产申请受理阶段,预告登记排除个别清偿无效原则、管理人选择权的适用;在破产重整程序中,预告登记后债权受营业保护的限制,对债权的分类而言,预告登记后的债权应当单列,它具有特定的债权调整方法;在破产和解阶段,预告登记具有对抗登记义务人之破产和解协议的效力;在破产清算阶段,预告登记后的债权与一般债权和别除权的顺位关系应根据实际情况具体分析。
【Abstract】 The status of the creditor’s right that has been lodged the registration of caution is relatively independent, which is essentially different from other legal rights in bankruptcy law. The safeguard of the creditor’s rights that has been lodged the registration of caution, as well as the settlement of such debt, in bankruptcy procedure should follow the specific principles, such as the principle that repaying debt separately is invalid and manager option were both excluded from registration of caution at the time the bankruptcy petition has been accepted; during bankruptcy restructuring process, the creditor’s rights is restricted by business protection after the registration of caution has been lodged, as to the classification of creditor’s rights, creditor’s right that has been lodged the registration of caution should be listed separately, because a specific debt adjusting method is applied to it; at the stage of bankruptcy settlement, registration of caution may be a valid defense against registering party; at the bankruptcy liquidation stage, the sequence of the creditor’s right that has been lodged the registration of caution, general creditor’s right and the exemption right should be formed according to the actual situation.
【关键词】 预告登记; 破产程序; 法律地位; 债权保障;
【Key words】 registration of caution; bankruptcy procedure; legal status; safeguard of the creditor’s right;
10 、我国能动司法若干问题的思考  刘政(南京理工大学人文与社会科学院);  
【摘要】 在当今中国实行能动司法,面临着司法能动与司法克制两种不同司法理念的争论,这场争论直接关系到我国司法体制改革与司法制度建设的历史进程。历史要求我们在中国司法语境下,从法学理论与法律实践的结合上,客观分析能动司法的比较优势,科学做出能动司法的模式选择,深入研究适度能动司法的价值取向。在此基础上,积极探寻我国能动司法的合理途径和科学方式。
【Abstract】 Building the active justice in modern China, have faced the concept debate between judicial activism and judicial restraint, this debate is directly related with the process of development and reform of our judicial system. Now requires us to analysis the comparative advantage of building active justice and research it’s operating mode and value orientation under the China’s judicial surrounding and legal theory and practice.Then,find the rational way of building China’s active justice.
【关键词】 能动司法; 比较优势; 模式选择; 价值取向;
【Key words】 active justice; comparative advantage; mode selection; value orientation;
11 、恶意欠薪罪若干问题探究  姜涛(南京师范大学法学院);
【摘要】 把《刑法修正案(八)》第41条新增设的罪名定位为恶意欠薪罪,不仅更为形象、生动与简洁,更加符合本罪的犯罪构成,而且还能够全面反映本罪的本质属性。恶意欠薪罪的现有立法规定尚有不明确之处或根本性缺陷,应予以解释或改进。其中,应把本罪的主观方面解释为"恶意",把本罪的客观方面限定为"情节犯",以合理划定本罪的犯罪圈。同时,还应舍弃客观的处罚条件,而采用一种二元化犯罪模式,以有效遏制恶意欠薪行为。
【Abstract】 The crime new added by article 41 of Amendment of Criminal Law(8) should be named the Crime of malicious wage, which is not only more image, vivid and concise, and in line with the crime constitution, but also able to comprehensively reflect the essential attribute of this crime. As far as current legislation of the crime of malicious wage is concerned, there are some undefined places and fundamental flaws, so it should be interpreted or improved effectively. Among them, the subjective aspect of the crime of malicious wage should be interpreted as "malicious”, the objective aspect of the crime of malicious wage should be limited to "circumstance crime”, so as to delimit its crime circle reasonably.Meanwhile,they still should abandon objective punishment condition, instead adopt dualization crime pattern,so as to contain the behavior of malicious wage effectively.
【关键词】 恶意欠薪罪; 情节犯; 二元化犯罪模式; 《刑法修正案(八)》;
【Key words】 the crime of malicious wage; dualization crime pattern; amendment of criminal law(8);
12 、公用事业民营化探讨——基于公法学的思考  王锴(北京航空航天大学法学院);  
【摘要】 公用事业的民营化已经成为公共行政领域的一个新浪潮。在我国,公用事业的民营化具有合宪性和行政法上的理论基础,但同时宪法的规定和行政法的原理也为公用事业民营化设定了界限。现行的公用事业民营化主要采用签订特许经营协议的方式来完成,这种特许经营协议属于行政法上的行政合同,可以通过行政诉讼的方式来救济。
【Abstract】 Privatizing of public utility has been a tide in the field of public administration. In China, privatizing of public utility has a theoretic base in constitutional law and administrative law.However,the article of constitutional law and administrative law threw a limit on privatizing of public utility. At present, privatizing of public utility comes to true mostly by a contract licensing to manage. The contract licensing to manage belongs to a kind of administrative contract, which is remedied by the administrative litigation.
【关键词】 公用事业; 民营化; 基本国策; 行政合同;
【Key words】 public utility; privatizing; the basic national policy; administrative contract;
13 、公诉权与被害人权利之冲突及衡平——以身份关系因素为视角  苏琳伟(厦门大学法学院);
【摘要】 刑事诉讼打击犯罪和保障人权的双重目的虽然成为通说,但解决人类冲突纠纷的最根本任务却容易被忽略。刑事诉讼制度发展过程中,被害人的地位与权利经历着起伏的过程,即使如今已受到重视,但被害人的程序参与权仍是一大难题。以牵涉身份关系的刑事案件作为探讨公诉权边界问题的特定场域具有重要的实践意义,对于公诉权自身的完善和化解社会矛盾均具有积极推动作用。
【Abstract】 Though it is accepted that the aims of criminal procedure consist of protecting rights and attacking crimes, its essential mission of conflict resolution is always neglected. There are fluctuations in the developing history of victim’s status.Nowadays,it is a tickler to put the victim’s right of taking part in the criminal procedure into affect. It will be full of practical significance to study the borderline problem of public prosecution’s power basing on cases involving personal relationship. It will also bring motivations to public prosecution’s power and resolution of social conflict.
【关键词】 社会矛盾化解; 起诉替代措施; 公共利益审查;
【Key words】 resolution of social conflict; measures instead of prosecution; public interest examination;
14 、用益物权客体范围的三维考察——兼评我国《物权法》第117条  李康宁(西南政法大学民商法学院); 
【摘要】 比较法考察表明,在土地吸附建筑物的不动产理念下,用益物权以土地为核心而设定,以在建筑物、动产和权利上设立役权、用益权、使用权等立法技术处理为辅助,形成客体范围宽泛的财产用益权利体系。在土地和建筑物各为独立的不动产的理念下,用益物权只在不动产上设定。用益物权的客体范围取决于对用益物权的制度模式选择与立法技术安排。我国用益物权制度的一般规定和具体权利之间、具体权利和物权法定原则之间均存在逻辑矛盾和法理冲突。功利性的文义解释掩饰逻辑矛盾,对把握法律真义造成误导。立法机关应当维护不动产概念内涵在物权法体系上的一致性,对用益物权的制度模式重新做出选择,在立法技术上对现行法规定之谬误进行补救。
【Abstract】 The study of comparative law shows that under the idea of building adsorbed by land, land is taken as the core of usufructuary right.Buildings,movable properties and rights are auxiliary to usufructuary right.The scope of the objects of usufruct is broad. But under the idea of land and buildings are independent real estates respectively, usufructuary right only sets on real estate. The scope of the objects of usufructuary right depends on the usufruct system model and legislative technical arrangements. In part III of Chinese Real Right Law, logical contradiction exists between general provisions and specific rights, and legal conflict also exists between specific rights and the legal principle of real right. Utilitarian interpretation of the letters covers up the logical contradiction and leads to the misunderstanding of the true meaning of the law. The legislature should uphold the consistency concept of real estate in the Real Right Law,re-select the system mode of usufructuary right and remedy the legislative technical errors.
【关键词】 用益物权客体; 不动产; 土地; 建筑物; 人役权; 用益权;
【Key words】 objects of usufructuary right; real estate; land; building; easement; usufruct;
15 、重复供述的排除规则研究  谢小剑(江西财经大学法学院);  
【摘要】 如果能够证明初次供述涉嫌用非法手段获取,此后在合法的讯问程序下作出若干份相似的再次供述是否应当排除,是非法证据排除必须解决的问题。排除重复供述的标准在于非法行为与重复供述的联系密切程度,应当运用"五步排除法"权衡。
【Abstract】 If you can prove that the initial confessions obtained by illegal means,after that,the number of statements which gotten in legal interrogation procedures similar to the first confessions, whether them should be excluded, it is a problem which must be solved with Exclusionary Rule. The standard of eliminating repeated statement is the closely level of the relation between illegal acts and repeated confessions. In my opinion, it should use "five-step process of elimination" to balance and consider the main factors, such as the subject of interrogate, stage of procedure, the interval of time, the illegal level, the degree of dilution and so on.
【关键词】 重复供述; 非法证据; 讯问笔录; 毒树之果;
【Key words】 repeated statements; illegal evidence; interrogation record; fruit of the poisonous tree;
16 、论我国刑罚理论研究中的四个误区——刑罚目的一元论之提出  王刚(武汉大学法学院);  
【摘要】 我国刑罚理论研究中存在四个误区:混淆了刑法目的与刑罚目的;对刑罚目的的含义理解错误;把一般预防当作刑罚目的;把报应当作刑罚目的。通过对这四个误区的厘清,可以得出以下结论:刑法目的与刑罚目的是两个不同的概念;刑罚目的,是指国家通过适用和执行刑罚所期望达到的目标;一般预防是刑法目的,不是刑罚目的;报应是刑罚的本质,不是刑罚目的;刑罚的目的是特殊预防。
【Abstract】 Four misunderstandings exists in the research of punishment theory in China, they are confusing the purpose of criminal law and the purpose of punishment; misunderstanding the concept of the purpose of criminal law; treating the general prevention as the purpose of punishment and treating retribution as the purpose of punishment. Through the clarification of these four misunderstandings can we draw the following conclusions: the purpose of punishment and the purpose of criminal law are two different concepts; the purpose of punishment is the objective of the application and enforcement of punishment by States; general prevention is the purpose of criminal law and not the purpose of punishment; retribution is the essence of punishment and not the purpose of punishment; the purpose of punishment is special prevention.
【关键词】 刑法目的; 刑罚目的; 一般预防; 特殊预防; 报应;
【Key words】 the purpose of criminal law; the purpose of punishment; four misunderstandings; general prevention; special prevention; retribution;
17 、产品缺陷责任主体的确定——以美国法为主要考察对象  刘宏渭(山东大学法学院); 
【摘要】 产品缺陷责任主体,是指当缺陷产品致人损害时,应承担相应的民事责任的主体。美国法对产品责任主体的规定着眼于"商业性的销售者",通过《侵权法重述》和判例,逐步扩展了商业性销售者的范围。而产品缺陷责任主体正是以营利为目的从事营利性行为的商主体,确认产品责任之责任主体的依据恰是商法效益至上与民法追求公平这二者之间的博弈。
【Abstract】 The persons liable for product defect are those who should bear their respective civil liability if a defective product causes property damage or physical injury to others. According to law in American, the persons liable for product defect refer to any sellers in the business whose scope was gradually expanded by Restatement of the Tort Law and prejudication.If we view the issue from a different perspective, the persons liable for product defect are just commercial subjects who are undertaking profit-making activities? In order to seek profits,and the very foundation as which regarded product liability is the game playing between supremacy of benefit in business law and following fairness in civil law.
【关键词】 产品缺陷; 责任主体; 商主体;
【Key words】 product defect; persons liable; commercial subject;
18 、对突破合同相对性原则的再认识——兼及对《德国民法典》第359条之借鉴  徐静(南京大学法学院);  
【摘要】 合同是相对人之间的法律,对双方当事人具有拘束力。当两合同在经济上具有整体联系时,其中一合同当事人违约,引致同时处于两合同中的另一当事人在另一合同中违约,后者可以前者违约的事实作为其违约的抗辩理由,该情形实质上是突破合同相对性原则的新类型。目前,所有突破合同相对性的理论和立法均未涵盖该情形,实践中已有支持该抗辩理由的法院裁决。如何使该裁决正当化?以德国法中的关联合同制度及我国最高人民法院《关于审理商品房买卖合同纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释》第23条、第24条、第25条为中心,挖掘制度背后蕴含的价值取向,使法官的判决正当化,提出相关条文的解释规则。
【Abstract】 Contract is the law between the parties and binds parties of contact. When there is some economic relation between two contracts, the person who both are the parties of the two contracts may invoke the non-performance of the other party in the other contract to defense one self’s non-performance in the other contract. The situation actually is the new type of the exception to probity of contract. Nowadays the legal theories don’t cover the situation, but in legal practice, there is a verdict supporting the defence.So it is necessary to interpret the circumstance in a new approach with reference to Art.359 of German Civil Code in order to justify the verdict and improve China legal system.
【关键词】 合同相对性; 关联合同; 经济整体性; 法律解释; 扩张解释;
【Key words】 privity of contract; relating contract; economic integrity; legal interpretation amplified interpretation;
19 、公司社会责任思想在职工民主管理中的理论意义及实践  王崇敏(海南大学法学院);马建兵(甘肃政法学院民商经济法学院); 
【摘要】 职工民主管理是我国公司法上的重要制度,其思想渊源有诸多理论,公司社会责任思想便是其中之一。就其理论意义而言,公司社会责任思想否定了个体经济利益和公司股东利益唯一论,有利于为职工争取在公司中的利益地位;重视经济社会中的道德意义和伦理价值,为确立职工民主管理的基本原则提供了指引。但其局限性在于对职工管理关注的专注程度不够,很难针对职工的特点抽象出一般原理进而指导职工管理公司的实践;以公司及其管理者为出发点的单向性,不足以证明职工参与影响公司决策的正当性;没有讨论公司中不同利益群体之间的关系,因而在确定职工民主管理在公司管理中的地位时面临着理论上的困境。
【Abstract】 Staff democratic management is an important corporate system in China. Its thought originated from many theories, one of which is corporate social responsibility. The thought of corporate responsibility possess many theoretical significances. It denies the theory that shareholder interest is unique in company, which benefits roles of staff and workers in corporate.Also,the thought emphasizes morality and ethical value in economical society, which provides guidelines on how to establish basic principles on staff democratic management.Nevertheless,there are many limitations of the thought of corporate social responsibility.It pays less attention on staff and worders management, which result difficulties in guiding staff and workers management according to staff and workers characteristics. The thought fails to prove the rightness of employee participation and influence on corporate decision-making because of its unidirectivity from the springboard of company and managers.Farthermore,corporate social responsibility has to face the theoretical predicament on defining the role of staff democratic management in corporate governance because the thought does not explore relations among various interest groups.
【关键词】 公司社会责任; 职工民主管理; 理论意义; 困境;
【Key words】 corporate social responsibility; staff democratic management; theoretical significance; predicamant;
20 、资产证券化中的超额担保制度研究  徐海燕;王丙辉(对外经贸大学法学院); 
【摘要】 在西方资产证券化进程中,尤其是在"后金融危机时代",超额担保制度有助于降低投资风险,提高投资者信心,消弭金融危机的不利影响。为吸取美国金融危机的前车之鉴,我国在资产证券化起步阶段应引入该制度。超额担保的本质是债权质押,其质押标的是将来债权。在我国现行法律体系下,超额担保受制于现行的质押制度和破产法律制度设计。我国应制定专门的《资产证券化法》,明确资产证券化的性质,并对证券化资产的可让与性和出质问题予以专门规定,从而使超额担保制度既符合物权法定原则,又满足现实需要。通过控制超额比率和设置利差账户,以解决超额担保与现行破产法律之间的冲突问题。
【Abstract】 During the process of Securitization in the West, especially in the "post-crisis era”, Over-collateralization(OC) is a powerful method of credit enhancement by lowering the creditor’s exposure to default risk, improving the confidence of investors, promoting recovery of liquidity and to some extent, eliminating the negative impact of financial crisis. To draw a lesson from the U.S.financial crisis,OC should be introduced at the initial stage of securitization in China.OC is essentially a debt pledge whose subject is future claims. Under the current legal system,the main legal obstacles in conflict with OC are from Guaranty Law and Bankruptcy Law.On the one hand,"Asset Securitization Law" should be developed as soon as possible in order to clear the essence of asset securitization and elaborate transferability and pledge-ability of the original assets; on the other hand, by controlling the OC rate and establishing the spread account,OC can be consistent with the current Bankruptcy Law.
【关键词】 超额担保; 债权质押; 真实出售; 破产隔离;
【Key words】 over-collateralization; pledge of obligation; true sale; bankruptcy remote;
21 、论中药单方专利的创造性认定  杨显滨(上海交通大学凯原法学院); 
【摘要】 随着中药单方专利侵权案件的日益增多,如何认定一个新中药单方是否构成对现有中药单方专利的侵权,显得尤为重要。按照我国《专利法》的规定,必须经过"三性"认定,而新中药单方"三性"认定的关键在于其与现有的中药单方专利相比是否具有创造性。因此,尽快制定中药单方专利的创造性认定标准迫在眉睫。当新中药单方与现有的中药单方专利相比使用了不同的药用部分、不同的剂型导致给药途径改变、不同的炮制方法导致归经改变、不同生产方法、工艺及增加或使用不同的引药、改变现有中药单方专利的混合物组分或组成混合物组分的剂量等时,如果其能在作用同一病症的不同类型、减少毒副作用、显著提高疗效、适应新的病症、作用新的部位等任何一方面有所突破,就应当认定该新中药单方对中药领域的普通技术人员来说具有"非显而易见性",有突出的实质性特点和显著的进步,具有创造性。
【Abstract】 With the increase of the infringement cases of the traditional Chinese medicine unilateral patents,how to identify whether a new traditional Chinese medicine unilateralism infringes the existing traditional Chinese medicine unilateral patents,which becomes particularly important.According to the requirements of our county’s Patent Law,it must go through the indenfication of creativeness,practicality and novelty,the key to the indenfication of creativeness,practicality and novelty of the new traditional Chinese medicine unilateralism lies in whether the new traditional Chinese medicine unilateralism possesses creativeness compared with the existing traditional Chinese medicine unilateral patents.Therefore,drawing up the recognized standard of the creativeness of the traditional Chinese medicine unilateral patents is urgent.When the new traditional Chinese medicine unilateralism compared to the existing traditional Chinese medicine unilateral patents uses different medical parts,different formulations leading to change of the way of taking medicine,different processing methods resulting in the change of tropism channel,different production methods,process and increases or uses different leading traditional Chinese medicine,changes the parts of components of the existing traditional Chinese medicine unilateral patents or the doses of consisting of conponents,and so on,if they have any one breakthrough in working different kinds of the same illness,cutting down the poisonous side effects,notably improving curative effects,adapting to the new illness,working new locations,and so on,so that we can say the new traditional Chinese medicine unilateralism possesses of "not noticeable" towards average technicians in traditional Chinese medicine field,have dramatically substantial characteristic and notable progress,own creativeness.
【关键词】 中药单方; 创造性; 创造性认定;
【Key words】 the traditional Chinese medicine unilateralism; creativeness; identification of the creativeness;
22 、清末法律改革何以如此艰难  黄春燕(山东政法学院法学院); 
【摘要】 鸦片战争以后,国家处在危亡之际,清政府进行了史无前例的全方位的法律改革,开启了中国法律近代转型的历史航程。由于内忧外患的紧迫形势,变法图强成为第一要务,而对法律自身的发展规律关注不够,清末法律改革进行得非常艰难。由于不是社会内部力量的推动,而是在社会外部力量的冲击下被迫进行的一次改革,造成了法律与传统文化契合的艰难。自从清代法律改革,中国法律近代化、现代化已演绎百余年,直到今天,如何实现中国传统文化与中国法律现代化之间的对接、契合,仍然是我们必须面对的重大理论、实践课题。
【Abstract】 After the Opium War, China is in peril on the occasion. Qing government implemented an unprecedented comprehensive legal reform, opening the historical range of modernization of Chinese law on the transformation. Under the pressing internal and external situation, reforms in order to a strong country are the top priority, while the development of the law is not concerned, so the late Qing legal reform is very difficult. As it is not within the community forces, but in the impact of social external forces, the legal reform had a difficult fit with the traditional culture. Since the late Qing legal reform, modernization of Chinese law has lasted over a hundred years. Even today, how to achieve the fit between the China’s traditional culture and modernization of China’s law is still an important theoretical and practical issue we have to face.
【关键词】 清末法律改革; 法律近代化; 传统文化; 法律信仰;
【Key words】 the legal reform in late Qing dynasty; legal modernization; tradition culture; legal faith;

日期:2012-7-24 14:51:48 | 关闭 |  分享到:
