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  • 我国转基因植物专利保护的法律问题研究——从技术视角向法律思维的变迁

    [ 李长健 ]——(2008-9-24) / 已阅20187次


    [1] [英]边沁:道德与立法原理导论[M].北京:商务印书馆,2000
    [2] (美) Jay Dratler, Jr.著;王春燕等译:知识产权许可[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社,2003
    [6] 李长健:论农民权益的经济法保护[J].中国法学,2005年第3期

    The law problem that genetically-modified our country plant patent protects studies
    ----------Comply with the technology visual angle changes to law thought
    Li-changjian Xu-haiping
    (School of Humanities and Social Science,Huazhong Agricultural University,Hubei wuhan 430070,China)
    Abstract: Become a hot spot and focal point that academic circles shows solicitude for gradually with the fact that development of modern gene technology , patent of genetically-modified plant protect problem. Transgenic plants have their special technical characteristics, and presente a challenge to the modern legal system. Star t from the technical perspective of Transgenic plants, comparing the United States, the European Union and Japan as well as China's patent theory and practice analysis, specific consideration of transgenic plants can be patented six of the three groups the interests of the game - the development of new technologies and social and public security, the monopoly of patented technology and social and public interests, developing countries and developed countries, which initially built up transgenic plants regime of patent protection and benefit-sharing mechanisms with a view to our transgenic plant technology useful for the development of thinking.
    Keywords: Genetically-modified plant; patent protection; Law benefit weighs and considers in order to uphold justice; Benefit shares mechanism


    [2]作者简介:李长健(1965—),男, 湖南湘西人,华中农业大学文法学院教授、武汉大学法学博士。研究方向:法理学、知识产权法、经济法与“三农”问题。徐海萍(1982—)女,浙江台州人,华中农业大学文法学院硕士研究生。研究方向:经济法学与知识产权法。
    [3] See Ned A,Israelseyn, Dale C, Hunt Incrasing Value of Agbiotech IP Sparks Turf Wars,the National Law Journal June 22, 1998 C6.
    [4] 周纪昌.论转基因农产品国际贸易与我国发展战略[J].经济经纬,2004,5.
    [6] 张晓都. 国家知识产权局专利法研究所编.美国与欧洲对生物技术发明的专利保护.专利法研究2003[M].北京:知识产权出版社,2003,p339.
    [7] Evenson D. D,Agriculture and Intellectual attd Implementation Issues in Bitechnology NewYork:CABI PuUlishing P11-25
    [8] Directive 98/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6July 1998 on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions, Recital30, 31
    [9] Directive 98/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6July 1998 on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions, Article 4(2)
    [10] 朱雪忠,杨远斌.转基因植物的专利保护探讨[J].科技与法律.2005,4
    [11] See Japan PatentOffice, Asia-Pacific Industrial Property Center, J II, B io Patent, 45-47
    [12] 郑成思主编,张晓都著.专利实质条件——从发明与实用新型专利的实质条件到生物技术发明的可专利性[M].北京:法律出版社,2002年4月,p269
    [13] 参见国家知识产权局:《审查指南》,知识产权出版社,p2-9
    [14] See Diamond v, Chakrabarty, 447U.S.P.Q.(BNA) 193(1980).
    [15] 在Transgenic Plant/novartis T1054/96( EPO OJ 1998,511)案件中,欧洲专利局扩大委员明确指出,只要转基因植物符合一般的可专利性标准是可专利的,http//pharmalicensing.com/features/disp/967153029_39a59565e3eff.
    [16] See Japan Patent Office, Asia-Pacific Industrial Property Center JII,Bio Patent,45-47.
    [17] Nuffield Council on Bioethics,Genetically Modified Crops:The Ethical and Social Issues,London,1999, PP.96-105; pp.122-127;pp.43-56;pp.130-136.
    [18] [英]边沁.道德与立法原理导论[M].北京:商务印书馆,2000.p58.
    [19] 高伟凯,毕素华.世界经济与政治论坛[J], 2006,6.p90-93.
    [21] 李永明,潘灿君.论基因技术的专利保护[J].浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版),2003,1,p142.

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